The Twins

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The weeks turned into months and before Rory new it she was giving birth to her beautiful twins. Her daughter, Olivia Leigh Gilmore, looked just like Rory except with brown eyes. Her son, Matthew James Gilmore, looked a little more like Logan but with a very light brown hair almost a mixture of Rory and Logan's hair colors, and he had Rory's blue eyes. Rory was in awe at her two perfect children and new they could accomplish anything they set out to do. Lorelai was in the delivery room with Rory holding her hand and supporting her. In the waiting room Finn, Luke, April Christopher, GiGi, Emily, Lane and Paris waited. The doctor came out and told them the news and they all shuffled into the postpartum room to see Rory and her beautiful children. They all took turns holding the twins and congratulating Rory. They all knew who the babies father was but nobody spoke of it. Rory had decided to tell Logan when she was about 6 months pregnant. She will never forget that phone call.
"Rory? Why are you calling me." He said quietly as if he was trying not to be heard. "Logan I have to tell you something." Rory said with tears streaming down her face. "What? Rory I can't play games me and Odette are married now and I love her, me and you tried and could never make it stick it just wasn't meant to be." He rambled on. "Logan I don't want to get back with you idiot I just thought you should know I'm having your children I'm pregnant with twins, a parting gift from New Hampshire if you will." Rory said sounding irritated. "Rory, I can't do this I can't be a part of this. I won't lose Odette." Logan said honestly. "Okay well I just thought you should know, I won't bother you again and very few people will know who their father is. Goodbye Logan." Rory hung up in tears as Finn held her to comfort her. They both had known what Logan's reaction was likely to be, but it still hurt.
After tons of cuddles everyone decided to let Rory and the twins get some sleep. Finn was the last one left.  "You did good love they are beautiful." He told her softly and kissed her on the forehead. "Thank you Finn you've been so amazing I don't think I could have done it without you." She said in tears. "Love,  don't cry,  I will be here for you three forever." He smiled at her.  "I will be back in the morning." "Finn?" She said as he started walking away. "Will you stay? I don't want to be alone and my mom and Luke already headed home." "I would like that very much love." He replied happily.  The first night with her babies was perfect and she was so glad Finn was there too. The next afternoon they were released and Finn drove the three of them home. They were greeted at home by most of Rory's friends and family including most of stars hollow. After everything had settled down Rory fed the twins and laid them in their beds in the nursery she had set up for them and came back downstairs. Finn had already cleaned up from the guests and was sitting on the couch. "Thank you for everything Finn you're amazing!" Rory exclaimed as she sat next to Finn. "Well love I better get going I have an early meeting tomorrow and it's almost 8 at night." He said standing and walking towards the door. Rory followed and gave Finn a hug, as they pulled apart from the hug Rory's hair fell into her face and Finn softly pushed it out of her face. Rory looked into Finns eyes and leaned in closer as her and Finns lips connected and she felt fireworks. They stood there for a few minutes kissing very passionately. When they finally pulled away they said goodnight and Finn headed to his car.

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