Finally home

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After a week in paradise Finn and Rory finally came home, they couldn't wait to see the Twins so they headed straight to Stars Hollow. "Mom, we're home!" Rory yelled walking into the crapshack. "Hey kid, how was your honeymoon?" Lorelai asked as she walked into the living room. "Honeymoon was good where are my babies?" Rory asked excitedly. "Oh they're down at the diner with Luke." Lorelai answered. "I'll go get them!" Finn said enthusiastically. Rory sat on the couch talking to Lorelai. "So Logan asked if he could have lunch or dinner with me and Finn." She told her. "What are you kidding me?" Lorelai said. "No we're supposed to let him know when we're home so we can set something up I think I'm going to tell Finn we should make dinner at the house that way if things get carried away we can put the kids in the other room." Rory said lost in her thoughts. "Good idea kid." Lorelai said as they heard the front door open. "Special delivery." They heard Finns voice say. "Mommy!!" Both the twins yelled as they ran through the front door. "Hi my babies." Rory said picking them both up and cuddling them.
They headed home, the twins falling asleep almost as fast as they left Stars Hollow. "So this thing with Logan can we either cook or order in at our place instead of just in case?" Rory asked. "Yeah love that sounds good, let's do that and we'll order in Italian." Finn agreed.
The day after they got home they had a meeting with the attorney that was doing the adoption. He informed them the judge had agreed to the adoption and they could finalize it within the month. They were ecstatic leaving the office they grabbed lunch and did a little shopping with the twins before heading home. Finn had called Logan and told him they were up for dinner at their place and Logan had agreed for that night. "Okay Logan will be here in an hour or so, the twins are ready to eat. I ordered from Lucilles since the kids like the spaghetti so much it should be here shortly after Logan." Finn told Rory as he kissed her on the cheek. "Why do you think he wants to talk to us you don't think he's gonna try to take claim on the twins do you?" Rory started panicking. "Everything will be fine kitten I won't let anyone take our kids from us." Finn said kissing her forehead. "Okay Finn thank you for making me feel so secure you are absolutely amazing." Logan showed up about an hour later they showed him in and waited for the food when the food arrived Finn went and payed for it. "What's those papers you have with you?" Rory asked when Finn was paying for the food. "Oh this is just a contract I had drawn up, we can discuss it after dinner." Logan said as Rory's face went white.

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