The Truth

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The look on Kakashi's and Krishna's face was confusion. Three minutes into to the past will put this chapter into drive.

"Isn't it an inconvenience to help a stranger?"

Krishna questioned as both her and Kakashi walked up the steps to the Hokage's tower.

"Only when I don't want to."

Krishna frowned at his sarcastic remark as they reached the door. Kakashi stopped to look down at her as she spoke.

"I still can't accept that you are willing to help me. Is there something you'll gain from this?"

"Are you a mind reader?"

"Please answer me."

"There are people in this world who are good and there are people who are bad. You just have to find the good. It's as simple as that."

She contemplated his words as they entered the room.

'Such an over-thinker.'

"What is it Kakashi?"

"Lord Hokage I am requesting to be Krishna's permanent guardian until she is able to return home."

Hiruzen, the third Hokage gave Kakashi a questioning look.

"Is this a joke Kakashi?"


"You're already her guardian aren't you?"

"Didn't you send Shikaku and two medic ninja to receive her this morning?"

"Shikaku left on a mission two days ago."


"What is this about Kakashi?"

Kakashi went on to explain the event that took place earlier. The inhabitants of the room were confused but the Hokage thought on his feet and opened his mouth to try and put and explanation to the situation.

"It seems there are intruders in Konoha and Krishna is their target."

Krishna bit her onto her thumbnail as she came to a conclusion.

'I can't stay here. Dammit! It was beginning to work out. Is there no place in this world I can hide?' Thoughts raged in her head and she failed to notice the Hokage's appeal to her.


She finally shot up and nodded.

"Do you have a clue to who is after you?"

"My m-

"Lord Hokage!"

She was interrupted as a very noticeable character barged into the room. Her hair was purple and wild. Two other ninja of the village stepped in behind her.

"What is it?"

"It's about the chunnin exams. Contestants were found dead outside of The Forest of Death."

"What about the exams. The contestants are in danger."

Kakashi piped in as he began to feel concern for his young team of three.

"The contestants are arriving slowly to the arena but there are ninja looking for the other contestants and those that may have been attacked."

The hokage thought about the information he had received and stood up.

"Kakashi, we are going to the arena. Anko, the intruders are also after Krishna, you will be in charge of watching her this evening."

Kakashi tried to protest but the Hokage quickly pulled him out of the room along with him. The Hokage did it for good reason and Kakashi knew but he didn't want to leave the timid girl alone. He sighed before turning to Krishna.

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