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Mapleflash resisted the urge to twitch her long, thin tail as she stalked through the lush, thick oak forest. Her eyes disobeyed the excitement she tried so hard to hide with her monotone expression, and her paws itched to sink into some fresh prey. As she silently followed the mouse, her friend, Whisperleaf, was a bit away, stalking more prey.
Refocusing on her victim, Mapleflash quickened her slow pace by a tiny bit, before swiftly pouncing on the unsuspecting mouse. Her weight snapped its spine, and it let out a squeak of surprise before going silent. Picking up the prey with her slender jaws, Mapleflash carried the prey to her pile. The pile consisted of a couple more mice, and a shrew. Using the technique her mentor taught her to carry moss, she tucked two mice under her chin, against her chest, and used her mouth to carry another mouse and shrew.
The route to OakClan's camp wasn't long, nor difficult to follow. It had been used by countless other Clans before hers, and those very Clans were most likely her ancestors. The pathway was framed with oak trees, bushes, and various herbs and flowers. A soft, gentle-flowing river could be heard nearby, where some of the Clan would fish and swim. OakClan was the only Clan around, which was sometimes a relief and a problem.
When Mapleflash reached camp, she dropped her prey on the pile. As usual, Tigerstrike padded towards her, smiling. He had asked her to be his mate several times, but Mapleflash had always declined.
"Hello, Mapleflash! Good hunting? I might go later today, but I'm so lazy, I've just been snoozing in the leaffall sun," He chuckled at his own comment, so Mapleflash forced a laugh.
"I think I'm done hunting for the day. Hey, have you seen Whisperleaf?"
Tigerstrike's expression changed subtly. "No. Why not spend time with me for a change?"
Mapleflash blinked. She searched for her friend while replying, "Thanks for the offer, but Whisperleaf and I have stuff to talk about,"
The orange tabby nodded silently and padded away, tail drooping between his legs.
Petalstar approached Mapleflash, purring, "He won't stop until you say yes, you know,"
Mapleflash ignored the leader. He always talked to her, but it was clear that Whisperleaf wanted to be deputy, so she padded off. She was unsure of what to do, because the one cat she had always liked spending time with was still hunting.
And yet he continued! The brown tom added, "You'd make a wonderful deputy, Mapleflash. You know that, I hope?"
Turning her head ever so slightly towards him as she padded away, she smiled, "Have you seen how good Whisperleaf is? And, have you seen Whisperleaf?"
Walking away from her leader as quick as possible, she bumped into the mean Cypressscar. The scary she-cat was only nice to orphaned kits, not even her own. She was covered in scars, which were like rings going around her tail and legs. They weren't one scar each, they were multiple scars. Now, she sported a scar going through one eye to the other, diagonally.
"H-hello, Cypressscar," was all Mapleflash could manage as the giant, fluffy, yet mean cat stared at her. Mapleflash, like most of OakClan's junior warriors, were intimidated by this cruel senior warrior.
All Cypressscar did was grunt, "Hello, young 'un," and pad away, tail swishing in frustration.
Mapleflash took her opportunity and darted for the camp entrance, just as Whisperleaf walked through it.
"Hi, Mapleflash! How come you left without me?" The white tabby fake pouted and continued on, "Don't worry, I caught a mouse, a thrush, two squirrels, a vole.." She and Mapleflash giggled like small kits, and Mapleflash replied in awe, "You're such a good warrior, Whisperleaf,"
Whisperleaf chuckled, and whispered, "Tigerstrike hasn't been trying to.. y'know, at all today?"
Mapleflash snorted with laughter as she replied, "Oh, yes, lots,"
The Clan was settling down to eat, having ignored the two best friends, as it was usual. Newtpaw and Windpaw were practicing their battle moves, while their mentors, Whiskerfoot and Flowermask, watched them and gave them tips. Tigerstrike and Rivertail discussed things they had seen at the borders, and how they wished there was a second Clan.
Whisperleaf and Mapleflash shared tongues, and a shrew. They chatted and giggled about their future adventures and escapades.
"Maybe one day we could.. make our own Clan," Whisperleaf jokingly smiled, and Mapleflash agreed.

How little Mapleflash knew that was her plan.

Hey, thanks for reading Denouement! Yes, i know i have been inactive lately, but i'm picking the reins up again and trying again! Tell me what you thought of this chapter in the comments, i'm curious!

Lots of fun to you,

Denouement #1 - A DISCONTINUED Warriors FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now