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Mapleflash licked her lips as she sipped up the red, watery liquid. The twoleg - hoarder, as she had learned - wouldn't buy the kittypet food for them, but create the most delicious prey in the world. She had learned the names of some; soup, spaghetti, steak, casserole, and her favourite, rice and beans. Today it was tomato soup, and she shared her bowl with her two new friends.
Kat, a small parrot with a squeaky, high-pitched voice, and Zucka, a big, monstrous snake.
The two had been here much longer than her, and knew the routine quite well. This hoarder lived in a big house - another word Mapleflash had learned - and almost each room had at least three animals. The twoleg had twenty animals total, but it seemed its favourite was a small piglet named Daisy. Daisy was very mysterious, and didn't often talk. Or, she was over excited and discussed many things at once.
Kat and Daisy seemed to had been friends for ages, and got along very well. Although they were Mapleflash's friends, they were just a few. She had five cat friends, named Dovie, Hazel, Sweet Tea, Lily, and Kenie. Dovie was kind and shy, Hazel wise and swift, Sweet Tea polite and bold. Lily was sarcastic and immature, and Kenie was brilliant and hilarious.
They were all walking around outside, in the twoleg's garden. Hazel's ear flicked, and she and Kenie raced, working together to catch a mouse. Although Hazel was quicker, Kenie was the one who killed it as the mouse doubled back. Lily watched, and sniffed. "It's food, but certainly not as good as the twoleg's fresh taco meat,"
Sweet Tea cuffed Lily's ear. "Oh, I mean that it is just wonderful! The best! Thanks, Hazel and Kenie." Sweet Tea huffed, just barely satisfied with Lily's response.
Dovie was busy examining flowers, picking through them. Hazel padded over to join her, her brown mottled fur contrasting against Dovie's bright white fur.
Kenie and Lily were arguing, Kenie's golden fur bristling and Lily's puffy silver fur fluffed up.
"Prey is always better than that stupid twoleg's dishes!" He snarled, to which Lily swiftly replied.
"You must have bees in your head instead of brains, because that is wrong. Twoleg food is the best food!" She hissed.
Mapleflash pulled Lily away as Hazel pulled Kenie. The brown she-cat told Kenie, "Ken, you could've gotten hurt!" She nuzzled her friend, as Mapleflash let go of Lily.
"Cause I just have to be rescued," Mapleflash rolled her eyes at her friend's response, ignoring the fact that Kenie and Hazel had gotten into a deep conversation already.
Feeling amused and better than ever, Mapleflash chatted with Sweet Tea. She was a calico tabby with amber eyes. "Hi, Mapleflash," She purred, tail draping over Mapleflash the second they both sat down. The former warrior purred in response. "Have you been looking for her?"
Sweet Tea nodded. "Of course! Everyday, I hope we find your mate. But we can only go so far thanks to the hoarder.." Her voice drifted off as Lily started ripping up flowers. "Lily! You aren't supposed to rip up flowers!" Although she yelled, she wasn't angry, but amused at the younger cat's actions.
Lily huffed. "I'll do what I want! You aren't my mom,"
Mapleflash chuckled, watching Sweet Tea drag Lily inside. Birds flew overhead, the trees' songs beginning to sound unfamiliar. She would go outside whenever possible, hoping to keep her memories. The warrior looked at the forest, wishing Whisperleaf would appear and come to whisk her away, so they could leave the Clans and live their happy lives without discriminating eyes watching them. She jumped as a branch snapped in the distance, and bushes shivered.
Mapleflash raced toward the noise, which seemed to speed up the closer she got. The scent was familiar.. Petalstar?

Denouement #1 - A DISCONTINUED Warriors FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now