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As I hurried through my Clan's territory, my fur swishing, Petalstar spoke to me.
"You have never been wrong before, Claweye, but sometimes I think you should've remained a warrior."
I growled faintly, my eyes narrowing. "Petalstar, as much as I would've liked, you had been doing bad business. I had no choice but to become a medicine cat and fill up your puny head with what one would call a brain. Sometimes, it feels like your brain is rotting,"
   Petalstar's head went low, feeling the sting of my sharp remark. I sighed, staring at my son. I had him before my medicine cat days, long before. I shook out my scarred fur, and continued walking and speaking.

"We have little time, Petalstar. You know that this vision speaks your death, which we must prevent. It speaks of a river, doesn't it?" I knew it bored him, but I wanted my son to live long. "We need to find the right river and then what to do will come to us. What did it say about the river?"
    Petalstar gulped, trying to avoid my fierce gaze as he whispered, "It was a three-way river. It had one centre pool, with three rivers running away from it. The space between each river was equal,"
I mumbled, "StarClan, how are we s'posed to bring a river to OakClan?" Thankfully, he didn't hear.
    I jumped as the bushes rumbled, a little bit away from us. My son and I dashed after whatever was making the bushes shake.
"Get back here, now!" Petalstar yowled at the warrior. I stopped to sniff the ground, but it stank of mud and dried leaves. Whoever had run away was smart. But I was smarter.
    Ducking my head, I followed the scent of the mud and leaves. The trail started to smell suspiciously like a specific OakClan warrior, but I couldn't place my paw on it.
"Petalstar, smell this," I whispered, watching as his nose twitched. Petalstar's eyes narrowed, and his tackles raised. "It's a warrior.. running away?" His temper rose, and he yelled, "Who would run away from such a good Clan?!"
    Calmly, I put my tail on his shoulder. "It's okay, they'll come back. You heard the elders' tales?"
He relaxed, tail still slightly flickering. My son and daughter were so alike.
Petalstar whispered to me, "I wish the family was here. The one I grew up with. You and Cypressscar,"
    I nodded, then started walking home. "It's up to you wether to send a patrol or not, but make sure it contains the fastest and strongest warriors," I added, with a smirk, "Maybe Whisperleaf, to see if she'd be a good deputy."
Petalstar glared at me as we walked, and meowed, "Mapleflash'd be a good deputy. Whisperleaf has always been.. aloof, at least to me. Distracted,"
"That's because she wants to be deputy, Petalstar. Don't tear down a relationship,"
    Petalstar looked alarmed. "Like.. relationship? Just a friendship, right?"
"No, Petalstar, a relationship. Don't be homophobic."

    We reached the camp, and he walked into his den with Quaileye. I talked to Cypressscar, but then Mapleflash came up to us.

"Have you seen Whisperleaf?"

Denouement #1 - A DISCONTINUED Warriors FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now