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Micheal: You wanna go to the studio with me.

Me: No smoking cause Kyler has to go. My mom has another date.

Micheal: Ok.

Once we got to the studio. I got to see how micheal works. Its pretty cool. And Kyler was just sitting their listening.

Micheal: You like that song baby.

Me: Yea. Whats the name of it.

Micheal: Molly. Wiz gon' put a verse in it to.

Me: Cool.

He got back to work and Kyler was just blabbing off. Im hoping he learns how to walk before his birthday next month.

Me: Say mama.

Kyler: Dada

Me: Say mama.

Kyler: Dada.

Me: Say Mama.!!!

Kyler:baaaa mama.

Me: Say it again Ky.

Kyler: Mama.

Me: Good boy.

I was just talking to kyler. Then a few people walked in.

Micheal: Whats good Yall.

Nicki: Hey Bro.

Lil wayne: Wassup man.

Drake: Ty..

I was so happy. But I didnt wanna fangirl and seem crazy. But then they all looked at me.

Me: Hey. Im Logan. And this is my son Kyler.

Nicki: Hey Logan. Ty talks about you all the time.

Me: Oh.

Lil wayne: So this is mini tyga.

Drake: He looks just like you bruh.

Micheal: I know.

Lil Wayne: Can I hold him.

Me: Of course.

Nicki: Come with me I wanna get to know you better.

Me: Ok.

Micheal: Ill keep Kyler.

Me: Alright.


Nicki: So when did you meet Ty.

Me: About a year and a half ago.

Nicki: So you used to strip.

Me: Yea.

Nicki: But why.

Me: Well when my dad died I was 11 and my sister was 12. My mom didnt have enough money to raise both of us after that. So my sister went to live with my aunt.So i knew that when i got old enough I didnt wanna still be living pay check to pay check. Some times we didnt have enough money to eat at night. So when i turned 16 i started working at McDonalds. But still it wasnt enough money. So I went to the strip club. I know its illegal at my age but I had to do it. And the man who owned the club. Understood my story. And he let me work their. And thats where I met micheal.

Nicki: Who is Micheal.

Me: Tyga. I call him by his real name.

Nicki: Oh. I remember when he told me about you. It was before he got back with you. He was crying and everything.

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