Fanfic Bootcamp Entry #2

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Open the cupboard. Nothing. The fridge. Nothing. The basement. Nothing. The attic. Nothing. The microwave. Nothing.

Boze was desperate. She hadn't eaten in five days, and not for lack of trying. Her food had run out, and there wasn't anything left in the plains she'd found herself in. All the livestock had long since died and rotted. The crops were withered and dried.

This farmhouse had been her last hope. But there was nothing. Whoever had been here had cleared it out well. All that was left was dust.

She slid down the wall. In the beginning, the open fields of Alabama had seemed like a good choice. But that was then. She had to wonder; if she had gone to the city, like Damien had, would she have lived longer? There was no way to tell.

Dwelling on the past was something she'd learned not to do, but there was no helping it. Not here. Not when she was so weak she could barely move. Not when she had nothing else to think about.

That's when she heard it.

It was faint but unmistakable. The low growling of an Infected.

Boze shakily climbed to her feet and pulled her swiss army knife out of her pocket. She stood still, listening. Once she tracked down the direction it was coming from, she started to move.

She was going to die today, or at least soon. She knew that. But she'd be damned if she went out as some Infected's lunch.

The house's back door made an ugly screech as Boze threw it open and lumbered outside. It took her eyes a few seconds to adjust to the sun, which was blinding compared to the dark inside of the house. When they finally did, she wished that they hadn't.

Sprayed out in front of her were hundreds of Infecteds, rising out of the dead rows of grain, their skin the same shade of grey. She stared at them for a few seconds, her heartbeat rising. Then they started sprinting at her, and she barely had time to close the door before they were banging and throwing themselves against it. She could barely hold them back.

She grabbed a nearby chair and used it to block the door, but she knew that wouldn't last long. Then she remembered; there was a tractor in the house's front yard. It was a long shot, but it was the only one she had.

Throwing open the door, she sprinted to the tractor, which was old and rusted. Thankfully, it was unlocked, and the keys were already in. She twisted them, and the engine came to life.

By that point, the Infecteds had reached her. They swarmed around her and banged at the windows, trying to get in.

"Let's hope this thing's got enough power to get through them," Boze said to herself. If it didn't... she didn't want to think about that.

With that thought in her mind, he slammed her foot on the gaspetal.

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