Fanfic Bootcamp Entry #3

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It took awhile for it to get bad. Bad enough for Courtney to realize that it was happening, that is.

In the beginning, Shayne had been the picture perfect boyfriend. He'd hold doors open for her, get her expensive gifts, take her to the most extravagant restaurants in town, and get her whatever she wanted. It didn't hurt that he was incredibly handsome, either. She'd been star-struck.

What should've been her first sign was the first time he refused to let her pay for one of their meals. She couldn't even convince him to let her pay for half of it. At the time, she'd coined it to him being affectionate. Looking back, she realized it was just possessiveness.

Next came the outfits. Just like everything else in their relationship, it got gradually worse and worse. Like frogs in a bathtub; if you gradually heat up the water, they'd boil to death before they know it. And Courtney definitely boiled.

He started out by giving her "advice." Babe, you look so good in this shirt. It really brings out your eyes. Please? For me? Guilting her into wearing whatever he wanted her too. She was so desperate to make sure he stayed with her, that she always ended up wearing whatever he picked for her. It got to the point where she'd wake up to find that day's outfit laying on her desk.

It had made her feel like a doll. But Shayne had a reputation for breaking up with his girlfriends with a snap of his fingers and God, did Courtney want him to stay. After all, it was just an outfit, right?

Then, after they moved in together, he started limiting her movement. It started small, like always; all he wanted her to do was tell him whenever she left the house. That was reasonable. She wanted to know whenever he left, so why wouldn't she let him know the same?

But then he had her download the tracking app. It's just for reassurance, he promised her. So I know where you are unless something happens.

And then it got worse. She ended work before him, and whenever she went to the shop or went on a run or just stepped foot outside the house, she'd get an angry text from him. Babe, why didn't you tell me you were leaving? So she started texting him. No big deal.

But with Shayne, there were no small deals. He started arguing with her when she told him she was going to leave. Babe, it's dark out. What if you get attacked? Is a short jog really worth that? or I want you here for comfort. I had such a hard day at work, please baby.

And if she ever dared to ignore him, she'd come home to a red-faced, screaming hunk of muscle that looked like he was ready to snap her neck. Shayne was positively terrifying when he wanted to be. Courtney soon realized that it wasn't worth it.

After that point, she stopped putting up a fight. When he started reading her text messages, she didn't put up a fight. Those friends weren't really worth it, were they? When he started playing with her head, telling her that things that she was sure happened didn't, she didn't put up a fight. It was her word against his, after all. What if she was wrong.

It was only when Shayne took her to a party and had her do a spin in the brand new dress he bought her, showing her off to his friends, that her best friend finally pulled her aside.

"Courtney, what the Hell?" Olivia asked her. "Why'd you do that?"

"Do what?" at that point, Courtney barely even noticed what he was doing to her.

"That spin," Olivia replied, looking extremely worried. "You looked super uncomfortable. Why are you letting him boss you around like that?"

From that point onwards, Olivia was her saving grace. She'd come talk to her whenever Shayne was at work. With Olivia's help, Courtney finally realized what Shayne was doing to her, and just how unhappy she really was. After a few weeks of looking at what Shayne did to her, being aware of it, Courtney snapped.

The preceding argument was long and painful. Shayne refused to listen to her. After everything I do for you, how can you be so ungrateful? He screamed that over and over again until Courtney couldn't take it anymore. She packed her bag and walked out the door.

When she was on the lawn, he screamed one final time. "Courtney! Get back here! Get back here this Goddamn instant! You can't leave!"

Courtney stopped in her tracks and sent him one last death stare. "You. Don't. Own. Me."

She never looked back again.

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