Taggity Tagged

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Was tagged by skellingtons- so here we are folks.

1. Favourite member?

Seeing as I only have one book where she isn't either the POV character or a love interest, it's pretty obvious that it's Mari.

2. Favourite series?

Board AF for the Heroquest series alone. (fun fact: I have an entire fanfic planned out around the four characters they created in a universe I created for it. Now if I only I had any motivation...)

3. Favourite Smosh video?

HIGH SCHOOL FIGHT CAUGHT ON CAMERA is a goddamn work of art.

4. Favourite Smosh Games video?


5. Favourite Smosh Pit video?

The two truths one lie with Courtney Freaking Miller

6. Summer Games or Winter Games?


7. Reaction to Anthony leaving?

I am actually happy that it happened because the video where they announced him leaving showing up in my timeline and sparking my interest was what made me start watching Smosh again.

8. What day do you anticipate the most?


9. Member you're most like?

Gosh I don't know. Uh... Boze, I guess? She's a bit violent, I'm a bit violent... that's pretty much it.

10. Which member is the biggest style icon?

Courtney from a general standpoint, but Shayne personally because he only ever wears general men's clothes and I only ever wear general men's clothes.

11. Favourite inside joke?

You're my favourite pizza place.

12. Who's the Smosh member who makes you laugh the most?

Either Courtney or Shayne.

13. Favourite Smosh Summer Games challenge?

Shootout to the death

14. Favourite Smosh Winter Games challenge?

The t-rex one. I haven't even watched the entire video I just love Shayne and Sohinki's fight.

15. How did you first discover Smosh?

I was like, seven, and my older brother showed me the Assassin's Creed Rap. The two of us had a mutual Smosh phase. I still remember Ian's rap part because we had a competition to see who could memorize it first (I won, though I proved it by doing it in the middle of a high-class squash club. Not my best choice in life).

16. Favourite Smosh dad?

Matt Raub.

17. Why do you love Smosh?

Parce que Smosh est drôle et amusant.

I've got a grand total of no energy so no one's getting tagged.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2018 ⏰

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