Chapter 8: 3 New Girls and a Swim

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A/N: I put up a link to the picture of Ella. Note that I made her have that color eyes and hair. Chloe Grace Moretz has blonde hair and green eyes. Kkbyeweirdos. <3

Louis' P.O.V

I could sit here forever. When I say that, I mean it. Like, we weren't snogging or anything. We were just sitting there. She had her head on my lap and I had my finger playing with her hair. 

"Sadly, with the life we have, we can't stay here forever" I thought. 

"Are you too guys done talking or wh- AWE" Mishy came running around the corner with her hand in Liam's and she just stood their "aweing" at us. I admit, we were quite cute.

"Hey Mishy whats up?" Lyssa asked calmly. 

"Um... but... are you two..?"

"Yes." Alyssa and I said together. Both in the same position we were earlier. Her head in my lap and my fingers twiddling with her hair.

"AWE! Thats so cute!" Liam said with his girliest voice ever. "But we got to go okay?"

Alyssa and I got up and I grabbed her hand and we swung them back and forth while walking to the others. 

"ARE YOU TW-" Zayn started.

"Badada" I said, making one of the noises are car makes when it is starting, and turning a fake key.

"But are you-" He tried to continue but....


"But are-"




There was a very long pause and everyone was staring at us, waiting for an answer.

"Yes." I said, kissing Alyssa's hand, probably grinning like a fool.

"WOOOO" They all burst into big frantics.

My friends are so weird. Oh my.... 

3 hours later 

 Nandos. A place where Niall can spend his whole life, and lose himself in food. Thats why we were all very surprised when he didn't eat. ANYTHING.  We ordered him peri peri chicken and everything, but he didn't take one bite. He didn't answer to anyone.

Alyssa knows something though. She is smiling like a fool. What is up?

"Alyssa. Do you know whats up with him?" I whispered in her ear.

"Yes. Didn't you see? 3 girls just walked in. 2 brunettes and a red head. He won't stop staring at the red head." 

Oh. That makes more sense. Well, now I understand what I have to do.

"Niall. Just go talk to her." I said, pulling  his arm out from under his head. He stopped it before it smacked on the table and looked at me.

"Huh? Talk to who? Huh?" He said hurriedly. 

"Her." Alyssa said, pointing at the red head.

"Ugh. I don't know.."

"Niall James Horan, go be a babe magnet and get her phone number before I do." Harry said pushing Niall out of the booth.

Niall's P.O.V

Harry pushed me out of the booth and walked over with me to their table.

"Hey. Whats up?" Harry said.

"Uhm. Hi." One of the girls said. She had a pink streak in her hair, whilst the only brunette had huge hoop earings and a nose stud and theot her girl had bright red firetruck hair.

Easy to tell them apart.

"I'm Harry, and this is Niall." Harry introduced us.

"Hi." I said. Why do I always have to be so shy around girls? Ugh.

"Hey. I am Tess." The girl with the nose stud said, not paying attention to us, but mostly to Zayn who was across the resturant.

"I'm Skye." The girl with the pink streak said.

"And I'm Ella." The red head who I really like said. Looks like she has taken an interest in me. 

Score one for the Fresh Princeof Mullingar!

"What would you guys like?" Skye said, obviously not understanding that we want their numbers.

"Uhm,.... I was wondering if I could.. uhm... have your number...?" I asked Ella

She smiled and nodded, writing her number on a napkin and giving it to me. 

"And I was wondering if I could have yours." Harry asked Skye.

She nodded and wrote hers on Hazza's hand.

"We'll call you." Harry said to the two girls. I wish Zayn would get up the nerve to ask Tess. He even told me he liked her, after I told him I liked Ella.

Once we got back to the group Alyssa and Michelle wouldn't stop bugging us. I guess they never will.

"Why don't we go home and have a swim?" I offered.

They all chorused some yes's and we all got in the car and headed home.

Alyssa's P.O.V

"No. I can't swim very well." I said protesting. Lieing, but he knew that because of the huge grin on my face.

We got back and everyone was swimming in the pool, or sitting. Well, Zayn, Mishy and I were tanning whilst the other boys swam. Louis was trying to convince me to swim, but I didn't want to. 

"Lier. You are champion back at the school. CHAM-PI-ON" She said, pointing at me and mouthing 'champion' to Louis.

Louis picked me up and threw me in. Oh what ever. I AM a champion.

I started to swim up but something was caught, My bracelet was stuck inside of the filter and wouldn't come out. I could see Louis was up laughing, but he couldn' see me because I was so deep. Stupid deep water.

I could hold my breath but not for long since he didn't give me enough time for a big enough breath.

I was starting to feel dizzy, and I could here shouting above me but I couldn't make it out because I was under water.

I heard a splash and felt someone trying to undo the bracelet. After that, everything went black.

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