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Young Bruce Wayne laughed as his parents argued over which part of the movie they had just seen was better. He listened closely as his father protested that the action scenes were way better than the romance ones. Bruce's mother disagreed and chuckled.

"Which part did you like the best, Bruce?" Thomas Wayne asked.

"Sorry Mom, but I'm with Dad on this one," Bruce replied.

Martha Wayne laughed, "I thought you'd say tha-"

"Martha?" Thomas interrupted, his voice now grave. "Stand back."

Martha and Bruce Wayne looked up to find a masked criminal with a gun pointed at Thomas. Martha grabbed the frozen and wide-eyed Bruce and backed up slowly.

"Here. It's my wallet. All the cash you need is in there. Just let us go." Thomas threw down his wallet into the street.

The criminal pointed his gun at Martha.

"Her necklace," he growled.

Thomas nodded to Martha and she took it off. The white beads fell and bounced around in the street. The criminal grunted and pulled the trigger. Bruce watched, horrified, as his parents dropped to the ground, lifeless. The criminal turned his gun on Bruce. Bruce just stood there thinking that it was all over. That everything he had was gone. As the criminal lowered his gun and walked away, Bruce had no idea that this was just the beginning.

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