Chapter Three - Board Meeting

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In the meeting room of Wayne Enterprises, a long table filled with men and women wearing nice clothes stood in the center of the room. Bruce sat at the end of the table, waiting for the chairs to fill. There were many people in the room, every important figure that worked at Wayne Enterprises sat there, waiting to hear what they were called from their busy lives to hear. Once they were all seated, Bruce filled them in on the small bit knowledge he had learned from Detectives Bullock and Gordon.

"Look, I get that Mr. Johnson was a friend to all of us, but why do we need a meeting for it?" a man asked.

"Because we're going to find out who killed him," Bruce replied calmly.

Another man spoke up, "Isn't that a matter for the GCPD."

"Yes, it is. But we all know that the GCPD has been insufficient lately with their speed of solving cases. Besides, Mr. Johnson spent most of his day here, the rest spent at his house, sleeping. This means that there is a very good chance that someone sitting at this table could be behind the murder."

The room was quiet.

"I know that it's a very large accusation to make, especially with the small amount of info we have. But William was a friend to all of us, and I want to see him brought to justice. Each one of you are above other employees. I would like you all to just pay special attention to anything abnormal behavior. That's all. Thank you. You are dismissed."

Everyone stood up and went different directions, heading to wherever they usually work. Bruce headed out the door where Alfred was waiting.

"Master Bruce. Did you get the information you were looking for?"

"Sadly, no." Bruce said. "I just couldn't interrogate them. I'm their boss, remem-"

"What?" Alfred asked as Bruce paused, deep in thought.

"I can't interrogate them as Bruce Wayne..." Bruce started.

"Yes, we've been over that, mate."

"...but what if I wasn't Bruce Wayne. What if I-"

"I know what you're going to say. No. You have made a life for yourself, without the suit."

"I need to find information, and that's the only way. It's not gonna hurt anyone."

"You say that now, but what about when it does?" Alfred argued. "Finding information about a case is the job of a detective, not a citizen."

"Fine. I'll give the detectives some more time. But if they don't find anything, I do it my way." Bruce compromised.

"Very well."


Bruce walked into the GCPD. When he spotted Detective Gordon, he climbed the short stairs that are between Gordon's desk and the main room to the GCPD.

"Mr. Wayne, you're back," Gordon noticed.

Harvey Bullock stepped out of the Commissioner's office and looked over at Bruce.

"We told you all we know. We'll keep you posted if we have any breakthroughs."

"So, you haven't found anything new?" Bruce asked.

"I'm afraid not."

"Maybe you just need to look harder."

"Actually, Commissioner Loeb was just telling me to back off a little on the case," Harvey said.

"Back off? Why would you do that? It's a murder!" Bruce exclaimed.

"And do you have any idea of how many of those we have? This is Gotham. There's a new one practically every hour!"

"So, what, you just forget about a case if you don't find the murderer in a few hours?"

"Pretty much," Harvey replied.

Jim Gordon stepped in, "Hold on a second. Bruce has a point. We're not going to stop looking! It hasn't even been a day."

"In the GCPD, we don't have a day to figure out one case. The case is going to be dropped, end of discussion. Captain's orders."

Bruce turned and walked away, shaking his head.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Jim said, running after Bruce. "I'm not dropping this case."

Bruce sighed and turned around.

"Look, I appreciate the thought, but I'm pretty sure the whole GCPD is against you on that one."

Bruce walked out of the police department and hopped in his car. Alfred was sitting in the driver's seat, waiting.

"So, what's new?" Alfred asked as Bruce got in.

"Nothing. They're going to drop the case," Bruce replied.


"Soon, if it's not already dropped. Alfred, I've made my decision. Please don't try and stop me."

"Stop you doing what, Master Bruce?" Alfred asked, knowing the answer.

"Doing this my way."

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