Chapter Four - Bat Cave

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"I knew this was going to happen at some point," Alfred said.

Bruce and Alfred stood in the main room of Wayne Manor.

"I figured I should be prepared when it did."

"What are you talking about?" Bruce asked.

"Remember your father's secret cave that you found several years ago when you were looking for what he was hiding from you?"

"Yes, but what does it have to do with the suit?"

"I made a newer model of the suit inside that cave."


"I'll show you," Alfred said.

He pushed the hidden button under one of the tables that moved the fireplace inward, revealing a passage. Alfred led Bruce inside. The cave was just how Bruce remembered it. A few monitors lined up on a table, with a keyboard under them. The roof and walls were stone. The room was fairly small, but it was enough for several people to have space. The only thing different was the back wall. Bruce gaped in awe at it. A rounded layer of glass surrounded a mannequin with Bruce's new suit on it. It was completely black with a yellow belt. It was made out of the rare bullet-proof material that Wayne Enterprises was lucky enough to get their hands on. Looking up, Bruce saw a new addition to the suit. A rounded mask with two holes for eyes and a rectangle cut up from the bottom to reveal a mouth. It was complete black and made out of the same material that the rest of the suit was.

"Wow, Alfred. You really outdid yourself on this one."

"Why, thank you, Master Bruce." Alfred beamed.

"Wait, I thought you were against me putting the suit on."

"I was at first. Then I realized it was inevitable. So I kept up the act for a little while longer so I could make the suit safer."

Bruce smiled, "Thank you, Alf-"

Bruce froze as he heard a screeching noise. He knew that noise all too well. Bats. When he was a boy, Bruce came across an old well. He played around it all the time. One day, when he was running up to the well,  he tripped on a rock. He tumbled forward and into the well. He landed on his back and it knocked the air out of him. While he was catching his breath, he heard loud screeching. There were bats that lived deep in the shadows of the well. They had heard Bruce fall and were surrounding Bruce. Thankfully, Thomas and Martha were near and heard Bruce's screams. They scared off the bats and got Bruce out of the well. Bruce was not hurt, except for his back hurting for a few days, but his fear of those bats had come with him into adulthood.

"Don't worry, Master Bruce," Alfred reassured. "The bats aren't here, they're in a cave nearby."

Bruce gulped and nodded, "You're right."

"I also prepared the computers if we needed to track someone. It will show a 3D map of Gotham City and heat signatures to locate people. There's a mic located in your mask that let's us communicate. With the map I should be able to see your every move, unless I move ahead to inform you of what's coming.

Bruce blinked, "And you know how to use this stuff?"

"Every bit of it. When I was in the military, this was essential to the mission."

"Okay, then. Show me what you've got."

Alfred walked out of the cave and came back with an expensive wheeled chair that would let him move between monitors with ease.

"I'm getting old. This will come in handy," he explained when he saw Bruce's face.

Bruce watched in amazement as Alfred's fingers flew around the keyboard. In no time, a street was pulled up on the center monitor.

"This is the street when Mr. Johnson was murdered. The tree's cover them, but there are small houses, if you can even call them that, on the sides of the road. Many of them have balconies or windows directed at the spot of the murder. Chances are, someone saw it happen."

"Don't you think I could just give them a visit as Bruce Wayne?" Bruce asked. "Not that I would want to."

"These are some shady people. People that a rich man doesn't want to mess with. People that are outside the law." Alfred replied.

"I see."

"It's dark out now," Alfred noticed. "If you're going to do this, might as well do it now."

A half an hour later, Alfred was in the same position. All of his computer screens were now turned on. The left monitor showed a live feed of the street were Bruce was headed. The right monitor showed heat signatures and all types of security locks that could prevent Bruce from doing what he needed to do. The center monitor showed Bruce, barely visible in the black night. He stood very still on the edge of a building overlooking his destination. His face was determined, hidden under his mask. He had missed this. The rush of adrenaline, the quiet air brushing him. He took deep breath and took a daring step forward, falling off the building.

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