Chapter Ten - Looking For Gordon

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"Going out, Master Bruce?" Alfred asked as Bruce headed for the door.

"Yes, Alfred, I'm going to try to get Jim Gordon and Harvey Bullock to stop worrying about Cat and start working on the case!"

"And how are you going to go about doing that, Master Bruce?"

"I don't-- I'll figure something out."

With that, Bruce headed out the door.


Bruce groaned. He had looked everywhere for Jim Gordon. He just wasn't at the GCPD. After staring for a few minutes, an officer approached him.

"Excuse me sir, may I help you?"

"Yes, I'm looking for Jim Gordon. Have you seen him? Has anyone seen him?"

"I'm sorry, sir, but they're out on a case. They'll be back shortly, until then..."

"What's the case?" Bruce interrupted.

"I'm sorry, but I really can't--"

"What's the case?" Bruce repeated. "I want to help."

"Look, to get an unauthorized personnel on a case is like letting a murderer in the room alone with the president. It's just not possible. I would have to go to the Commissioner and... uh, here's the case sir!"

Bruce had pulled out a fat wad of cash from his pocket and laid it on the table. He grabbed the file from the officer and opened it as the officer walked away happily, counting his cash.

Bruce briefly looked at it and saw that the two detectives were just checking out a house, then set the file down. They would be back shortly.


When night had fallen, Bruce was fed up. He had waited all day for Jim Gordon. Something had to be wrong. Some of the officers were anxious, even. Bruce walked up to the commissioner's office.

"Commissioner Loeb, do you have any idea that two of your detectives are missing?" Bruce asked, perturbed.

"Yes, I do. And do you have any idea that you have been sitting here for 10 hours? Go home, Bruce Wayne, and look at your money or something. Bullock and Gordon will be fine." Loeb answered nonchalantly.

Bruce turned and walked out of Loeb's office, digging his phone from his pocket.

"Alfred. I need a location for Jim Gordon or Harvey Bullock," Bruce said.

"Checking facial recognition now, Master Bruce,"Alfred responded over the phone.

Bruce listened to the sound of fingers tapping a keyboard quickly.

"Gordon was seen walking out of a car on Hyde Street,"

"Hyde Street. That's where the murder happened!" Bruce exclaimed. "I'm grabbing my suit and heading there right now."


Batman paced up and down the alleyway, looking for signs of the detectives. They were nowhere to be found. An empty car sat in the alleyway that Bruce suspected they had come in, which meant they were still there. But where?

"I should have taken a better look at that file," Bruce said.

"Well, the way I figure it, Master Bruce," Alfred started. "Is that either one of these ladies invited the detectives in for tea, or they went in the house to your right."

Bruce turned and groaned when he saw the house Alfred was referring to.

"You've got to be kidding," Bruce said, staring at the broken down abandoned house. "Last time I went in there, it did not end well."

"Use that clever flash grenade combo thingy you thought of last night," Alfred suggested.

"That might work, but first," Bruce jumped onto the roof of the house and thankfully didn't collapse. "I need a better angle."

Bruce grabbed a small grenade from his bright yellow belt and used his right foot to hit through the roof of the house. He threw the grenade in the opening. After everything was cleared Bruce hopped in. He didn't see anyone. His grenade hadn't hit anything but the raggedy carpet in the bathroom.

Then, out of nowhere, a man hit Batman on the back of the head with a brick, causing him to fall to the floor, unconscious.

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