Chapter Two - Detective Gordon

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"Please welcome Detective James Gordon to the Gotham City Police Department!"

The detective smiled as he walked up and shook Commissioner Loeb's hand. He preferred the name Jim, but his professional name had never changed. Jim waved to the crowd of officers. He walked over to his new desk and sat down. A lady ran over to him, out of breath. She handed him a file packed with papers. Jim looked up at her. She had gray hair and a strict hair. He figured she'd been working at the GCPD for quite a while.

"Homicide case. We need someone on it immediately."

"Nice to meet you too," Gordon muttered under his breath.

"Welcome to the GCPD. You'll get used to it," said a gruff man wearing a fedora and sitting in the seat across from him.

"Oh? And who are you?" Gordon asked, surprised at the man's sense of hearing.

"I'm your new partner, Harvey Bullock."

"Nice to meet you. I guess you have to tag along with me on this homicide case."

"Nah, you got it backwards," Bullock reached across and grabbed the case file. "You're the one who's tagging along."

Harvey Bullock stood up, walked down the set of stairs, and out of the GCPD. Gordon sighed and followed, not used to being under someone else. He had always been over the other officers. He suspected that the GCPD was different.

When they got to the scene of the crime, Bullock got out of the car and walked over to the witnesses. Jim Gordon walked over to the victim. His eyes narrowed when they came upon something odd. A wallet. Jim picked it up and examined it. He opened it and saw untouched wads of cash and credit cards. He sat down, deep in thought. Harvey came over.

"Find anything, Gordon?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah," Gordon said, losing his train of thought. "This wallet."

"What about it?" Bullock questioned.

"It's full. Cash, credit, subscription to the Gotham Gym & Fitness Center. All of it."

"The Gym & Fitness center? Does anyone even go there anymore? That is strange."

"No, it's not that. It's the fact that there was no money stole, so the person that did it had to know the victim in some way. Enough to hate him this much."

"Look, I don't know about the small city you came from, but in Gotham, people don't kill for reasons. They kill to kill. That's it."

"That's terrible. There has to be a reason. There's always a reason."

"Not in Gotham."

Bullock and Gordon walk away from the body.

"William Johnson, employee of Wayne Enterprises," Bullock said. "Did all the tech stuff. That means-"

"What happened here?" a man interrupted.

Gordon runs over to him.

"Excuse me, sir. No one is allowed on the crime seen. I'm going to have to ask you to leave immediately."

"One of my employees was just killed. I want to know why," the man stated.

"Oh, let 'em in," Bullock let in. "He could probably buy this whole part of town anyways."

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Jim asked, reluctantly letting Bruce through.

"Bruce Wayne. I own Wayne Enterprises."

"James Gordon. Nice to meet you."

"Ah, you're the newbie at the GCPD."

"I prefer the title of Detective," Jim murmured under his breath.

"So what would anyone want with Mr. Johnson? He was a good man," Bruce said.

"That's what we're trying to figure out. The wallet wasn't stolen, so it wasn't for money. Did he have any enemies?" Jim asked.

"No," Bruce replied. "He got along with everyone extremely well."

"No one had any reason to hurt him?"


"I told you, Gordon," Bullock said. "In Gotham, you don't need a reason for anything."

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