Chapter Nine - Hyde Street

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"What are we doing today, Bullock?" Jim asked, walking into the GCPD early in the morning.

"We're going to be running over to Hyde Street to check on a house."

"Hyde Street?" Jim asked.

"It's the alleyway where Johnson was murdered. Someone heard some very strange sounds coming from one of the abandoned houses. We're just going to check and make sure everyone's okay and nobody's in that house."

"It's a new case every day here, isn't it?" Jim murmured.

"Sure is," Harvey agreed, grabbing Jim's arm and leading him out the door.


"So do you think it's a coincidence?" Jim asked, as Harvey drove towards Hyde Street.

"What?" Harvey asked, swerving to avoid a stray cat in the road.

"Do you think it's a coincidence?" Jim repeated. "Suspicious noises coming from an abandoned house that just happens to be on the same street as Johnson was murdered?"

"I think it very well could be," Harvey replied, expressionless. "So don't try to put two and two together. You'd be wasting your time."

They parked on the side of the road and entered the familiar alleyway.

"Which house is it?" Jim asked.

"That one," Harvey pointed at the poorest and scariest house on the street.

"Of course it is," Jim replied, examining the house.

"All we have to do is run in there and make sure no one's in there."

"And if there is someone in there?" Jim asked.

"We find out why," Harvey replied simply.

"And ask if they know anything about the murder."

"Fine. I'll mention it," Harvey agreed. "But you stay silent."

"There's no point in me being here if you don't let me do anything," Jim complained.

"First I need to trust you," Harvey said. "To trust that you won't ask any stupid questions and trust that you are talented enough to have my back. That doesn't come easily."

"So let me prove myself to you!"

"You will get your chance. But for now, stay silent!"

"Fine," Jim mumbled, angry about being treated like a kid.

Harvey and Jim approached the house. Harvey walked up and rapped on the door. No answer. He knocked again. He tried the handle. Locked.

"GCPD!" Harvey knocked again.

Still no answer. With that, Harvey busted down the rusty door. Jim thought he kicked it too hard. Another knock would have been enough to break down the door. Harvey and Jim headed in, guns out in front of them. They looked around, noticing the old furniture, cobwebs in the corner, and sideways picture frames, which they ignored.

"Hello? Anyone home?" Harvey called.

No answer. No movement. Just silence.

"The woman was probably hearing things," Harvey said.

"Wait, look at this," Jim said, pointing at one of the walls.

"What about it?"

"It's dented. See?" Jim asked, while Harvey looked closer. "Maybe a fight?"

"Nah," Harvey decided. "With a house this old, it probably came from the pipes behind the wall."

Jim kept looking. Everything looked as if had gone untouched for years. Jim saw some footprints, but figured it was his and Harvey's. That what Harvey would say, anyway. If Jim was to convince Harvey that someone had been here, he would need more than that. After several more minutes, Jim himself was convinced that it was a false alarm.

"Are we good here, Bullock?" Jim asked.

"I guess so. Nobody was here," Harvey replied. "Let's go get lunch."

Just as Harvey and Jim were making their way to the door, two hidden men reached out and grabbed them, holding their hands tight against the two cop's mouths. They slammed the cops down, knocking them unconscious.

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