Memories (tom holland)

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Original. I take requests.

I remember sitting  on the couch with him. His arm wrapped around me. My head in the crook of his neck. He smelled amazing.
I remember how we would watch shows until 3 in the morning because we knew in the morning that he had to leave so we'd spend every last moment together.
I remember how he would FaceTime me every night that he was gone. Even if he wasn't supposed to and he was supposed to be doing something else. He would still FaceTime me.
I remember how when he would get back we would lay in his bed and just cuddle for hours. We would lay there. Our hands intertwined. Our faces  inches apart. We would talk. Talk about everything.
I remember how we had no secrets. We told each other everything. Whether it was good or bad. We told each other.
I remember when I was upset. When my life was a mess. He was there. He held me. He listened to me. He kissed me. He let me know that whatever I was going through. We were in it together.

But then I remember he left. I woke up one morning. He wasn't laying beside me. But a note was...

I'm sorry. I have to go. I'll be back. I don't know how long but I'll be long. That's all I can say. I love you.

I remember how broken I was. If he loved me why did he leave. That's not love. If that's what he calls love I feel bad for everyone he's told that he loved.
I didn't go to work I didn't go to school. I stayed home. Watching me phone. Waiting for a call. Waiting for his excuse. "I had to leave you because..." I waited. I lost sleep. I didn't eat.
I loved him. With every piece of my heart. And he just left. He just left.

2 years later...

I was walking through the store. I needed tampons. I walked over the cash register. And there it was. Spider-Man Homecoming- get your copy now. And there he was on the front.
I still hadn't heard from him. I hadn't seen him. He hadn't tweeted or posted on Instagram. Was I worried? Uh more than anything in the world. I tried to forget. I tried to move on with my life. But he was everywhere.
All of his Instagram fans were upset too. He hadn't given them any content in 2 years.  2 YEARS! It was unreal. Like he had disappeared from the planet. I contacted his parents and siblings. All they did was tell me exactly what his note said. Word for word. Nothing more. Nothing less. They even included the I love you.

It was 11 pm on a Friday night. I was watching Friends on Netflix. Sitting in the couch. Eating a bowl of popcorn curled up in a blanket. Dream Life ig. No worries.
But then there was a knock on my door...

Sorry for the cliff hanger. New part up soon.

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