twice the love

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'Hey, you...' Demi says softly as she lifts Pippa out of the bassinet and into her arms. She glances down at the clock on the bedside table before carefully lifting Evie out of the bassinet and cradling her in her free arm. She slowly makes her way through to the nursery and sits down on the glider chair. Somehow she manages to get both girls latched on at the same time causing her to smile slightly.

'What are we going to do today, hmm? It's just going to be the three of us.' Demi almost whispers as she gazes down at hertwin girls nursing happily. At just eight days old, Pippa and Evie have quickly become the centre of both Demi and Lauren's world. Demi, who was once sure she'd be keen to get back to work as soon as possible, is now considering how much time she can take off without people thinking she's being over the top.

'Momma's tired, girls... In fact momma is absolutely exhausted but seeing your little faces makes it all worth while. You twomake everything worth while.' Demi admits.

'All those months of IVF, tears and heartache. All the months of morning sickness, back ache and swollen ankles. I would do it all over again for you two.' Demi says leaning down and kissing each of their heads. Resting her head against the back of the glider, Demi closes her eyes as she yawns before sighing.

'So tired.' She mumbles.


Making her way back into the bedroom, Demi carefully places both Pippa and Evie in their bassinet. She gently runs her fingerdown each of their cheeks before climbing back into bed beside Demi.

'Mmm... Where have you been?' Lauren mumbles sleepily as she drapes her arm over Demi and pulls her closer to her body.

'Feeding our babies.' Demi replies smiling.

'Yourself? Should've woke me.' Lauren says leaning forward and pressing her lips against Demi's shoulder.

'You've got work later; you need to get as much sleep as you can. Can't have you becoming an exhausted DJ, can we.' Demi replies.

'I love you.' Lauren says.

'I love you too.' Demi replies.


'I feel so bad for leaving you this soon.' Lauren says sighing as she watches Demi gently rock the bassinet while attemptingto settle Evie.

'Don't... We'll be fine, won't we? I think Kelsey is going to pop over this afternoon and I'll probably just try to get some sleep when they do. You'll be home before we know it.' Demi replies smiling.

'I know you'll be fine but I just feel bad; you've not even properly recovered yet and I'm leaving for like six hours.' Lauren says shaking her head as Demi stands up and makes her way over to her.

'Stop feeling guilty. I promise we're going to be fine; it's only a few hours. You'll be home in time for us all to have dinnertogether.' Demi replies wrapping her arms around Lauren's waist.

'Call me if you need anything, yeah? If you need me to come home I will be here as quick as I can.' Lauren says and Demi nods her head.

'We can order in pizza for dinner tonight and maybe watch a movie or two if we can stay awake long enough?' Demi suggests.

'Sounds like a plan. I'll text you when I'm on my way home.' Lauren says kissing the top of Demi's head.


The sound of the front door closing causes Demi to sigh as she glances down at Pippa and Evie who are both in their bassinet.

'Just the three of us now.' She says softly. Lauren and Demi went through five rounds of IVF before they were blessed with their two beautiful girls. There has been plenty of heartache along the way but nothing compared to the pure happiness they've experienced over the past eight days.


'Oh my goodness, they're so tiny!' Kelsey says as she glances down at Evie and Pippa who have been transferred to their mamaroos.

'Mmm... They're back up to their birth weight, thankfully.' Demi replies.

'What did they weigh when they were born?' Kelsey asks as they both sit down on the sofa.

'Evie was 5lbs 9oz and Pippa was 5lbs exactly.' Demi replies.

'So little... How are you feeling?' Kelsey asks.

'I'm good; I actually feel a lot better than I thought I would. Part of me thought I would struggle today when Lauren was out but I'm actually not. Before you got here I managed to get them both fed, changed and got myself some food.' Demi replies causing Kelsey to smile.

'You're a natural. Motherhood looks good on you, Dems. I'm so happy for you and Lauren.' Kelsey says.

'Thank you. Do you want a cuddle with them? They probably won't wake up if you just scoop them into your arms.' Demi asks and Kelsey shakes her head.

'I don't want to disturb them; I'll have a cuddle later.' Kelsey replies smiling as she watches the babies sleeping peacefully.

'How are things going with you?' Demi asks and Kelsey shrugs her shoulders.

'Things are alright. How are things with you and Lauren? You two good?' Kelsey asks and Demi nods her head.

'Things are perfect.' Demi replies smiling.


'Baby, I'm home...' Lauren says as she makes her way into the house.

'Nursery.' Demi replies from upstairs. Instantly Lauren kicks her shoes off and makes her way to the nursery where she finds Demi sitting in the glider with Pippa cradled against her chest while Evie sleeps in one of the cribs.

Hey... Good day?' Demi asks softly

'Mmm... It was alright, missed you three though.' Lauren replies leaning on the dresser beside the glider.

'We missed you too. I think we should spend tomorrow curled up in bed watching tv and just cuddling.' Demi says smiling up at her as Lauren nods her head.

'That sounds absolutely perfect to me.' Lauren replies. She makes her way over to the crib and carefully scoops Evie into herarms.

'Hey, little mousey... Mama missed you so much today.' Lauren whispers causing Demi to smile.

'I love you.' Demi says getting off the glider and making her way over to Lauren.

'I love you too.' Lauren replies smiling. Using her free hand, Demi reaches up and places it on Lauren's cheek as she leansher forehead against hers.

'I think we should have a house full of little mini us.' Lauren says and Demi nods her head.

'We should; although I think you'll need to carry the next lot because I want some that look exactly like you.' Demi replies.

'We'll see.' Lauren says smiling.

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