toddler bed troubles & memories!

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‘Are you going to sleep in your big girl beds tonight?’ Demi says smiling slightly as she runs her fingers through Pippa’s hair whilst Evie curls into her side.

‘Skye?’ Evie asks and Demi nods her head.

‘I’ll put your Skye covers on and it’ll be super cosy for you both, won’t it?’ Demi replies kissing the top of the little girl’s head. The girls started pre-school just over a month ago and it went incredibly well for them; they settled in well and now after may nights of them climbing out their crib, it’s time to move them into toddler beds.

‘Mom’s going to give you both a bath tonight, okay? Momma’s going to feed Maverick and then I’ll ready you a story.’ Demi says smiling as Lauren makes her way into the living room.

‘Are my big girls ready for their bath?’ Lauren asks as Pippa instantly jumps off the sofa and runs into her arms.

‘Mmhmm… Their pyjamas are laid out on their beds.’ Demi says smiling as she moves Evie’s hair out of her face before the little girl climbs off the sofa and makes her way over to Lauren.

‘Okay… Let’s go, little ladies.’ Lauren says.


‘One day you’re going to be just as big as your sisters and we’ll be putting you into your big boy bed for the first time… Momma is so not ready for you to be big.’ Demi says softly as she runs her finger down Maverick’s cheek as he nurses sleepily.

‘I wish you could stay this little forever. Soon you’ll be walking, talking and keeping up with your big sisters. Maybe we’ll need to have another baby and make you a big brother. What do you think? Does that sound like a good idea?’ Demi continues. Repeatedly running her finger down his cheek, Demi can’t help but smile as his eyes slowly close. She sits in the glider chair, gently rocking for a few more minutes until she’s sure he’s asleep before carefully unlatching him from her breast and carrying him over to the crib.

‘Sleep tight, baby boy.’ Demi says softly. Making her way out of the room, she smiles as Pippa runs towards her dressed in some little rainbow print pyjamas with her hair braided.

‘You ready for your big girl bed?’ Demi asks and Pippa nods her head.
‘I ready, momma.’ Pippa replies smiling.


‘They asleep?’ Lauren asks as Demi sits down on the bed beside her.

‘Mmm… I think so.’ Demi replies smiling and curling into Lauren’s side as she glances over at the crib where Maverick is sleeping.

‘Won’t be long until it’s him in a proper bed.’ Lauren says causing Demi to sigh.

‘Don’t… They’re growing up so fast and I just can’t cope.’ Demi replies as Lauren smiles and drapes her arm around her shoulders.

‘I was thinking we could do something fun tomorrow if the girls aren’t up too much tonight.’ Lauren says.

‘Sounds good to me.’ Demi replies as she rests her head on Lauren’s shoulder and sighs as she hears little footsteps making their way towards her bedroom door.

‘Round one.’ Demi says glancing at Lauren before slowly climbing out of bed as Pippa makes her way into the room.

‘Momma…’ The little girl mumbles as Demi makes her way over to her.

‘Come on, sweetheart. It’s time for bed.’ Demi says taking the little girl’s hand and leading her back to the bedroom. She quietly places the little girl into her bed, kisses the top of her head and tucks the covers around her. She makes her way back to her bedroom and smiles as Lauren pulls the covers back for her.

‘It’s 7:30 and we’re in bed.’ Lauren says causing Demi to laugh.

‘We’ve turned so old and boring, haven’t we?’ Demi replies smiling.

‘Remember when we went to Coachella?’ Lauren asks.

‘Mmm… I hated every minute of that. Don’t think I left the villa except for your set and Beyonce’s.’ Demi replies and Lauren smiles.

‘People didn’t even think you were actually there because you posted like one picture and then nothing.’ Lauren says.


‘I’ll get her.’ Lauren says softly as Pippa appears at their bedroom for the fifteenth in the past hour just as Maverick begins to stir. They both make their way out of bed and Lauren silently takes Pippa’s hand and leads her out of the room.

‘I’m coming, baby boy.’ Demi says as she makes her way over to the crib. Reaching down she lifts Maverick’s pacifier and places it back into his mouth as he begins to settle down. Within minutes the little boy is fast asleep and Demi climbs back into bed.

‘They good?’ Demi asks as Lauren makes her way into the room.

‘Yeah; Evie is out. She’s fast asleep and Pippa is nearly there.’ Lauren says smiling.

‘How has things been with work? Studio time going good?’ Lauren asks and Demi nods her head.

‘Yeah; I didn’t realise just how much I actually missed it until I got back there. I’ve done like two songs already and I’m working on my third. It’s great that I’m able to take Mav as well.’ Demi replies causing Lauren to smile.

‘That’s great!’ Lauren says.


‘You did it!’ Demi says smiling as she makes her way into Pippa and Evie’s room where both girls are stretching their arms above their heads. It’s a little after 7:30am and Demi woke to the sound of the girls babbling through the baby monitor.

‘Morning, momma.’ Evie says grinning as she sits up and Demi leans down to cuddle the little girl.

‘Morning, baby girl. Mom’s awake if you want to go see her.’ Demi replies kissing the top of Evie’s head. She watches the little girl jump out of bed before rushing through to the bedroom.

‘Did you sleep good, Pips?’ Demi asks making her way over to Pippa’s bed and bending down beside it.

‘I did, momma. I lost bunny?’ Pippa says glancing around the bed.

‘Did you? Let’s have a look and see if we can find her.’ Demi replies. She glances around the floor beside the bed before lifting the covers slightly and finding the little pink bunny at the bottom of the bed.

‘Here she is! Silly bunny was hiding.’ Demi says causing Pippa to smile.
‘Silly bunny!’ Pippa replies.


‘Have you decided what you want to do today?’ Lauren asks smiling as she glances over at Demi who is lying with Maverick on her chest and Pippa curled into her side.

‘I was thinking we could maybe make a picnic and go to the zoo or something like that.’ Demi replies and Lauren nods her head.

‘Sounds great to me.’ She replies smiling.

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