family ties

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This is such a short one but I hope you enjoy it anyway. 

Knock. Knock. Knock. 

Keeping Maverick balanced on her hip, Demi makes her way over to the front door as Lauren continues to play in the garden with Evie and Pippa.

'Who's at the door, Mav?' Demi says softly as she adjusts the little boy before unlocking the door and opening it to reveal Nick. Instantly she throws her free arm around him and buries her head in the crook of his neck. 

'Hey... I'm fine, I'm absolutely fine.' Nick says wrapping his arms around Demi.

'I know I just- I was so worried.' Demi admits causing him to smile.

'How are you?' She asks leaning back to look at him.

'I'm getting there- Part of me just really wanted to come home straight away but I just needed to help people who had been through what I had. I had to help.' He replies causing her to to smile. It's been a week since Nick was caught up in an attack and Demi has spent the week worrying.

'Come on in...' Demi says softly.

'Do you want to go see Uncle Nick?' Demi adds kissing the top of Maverick's head before passing him over to Nick who smiles.

'Hi, buddy.' Nick says making his way into the house and adjusting the little one on his hip.


'When I was watching the news and waiting to hear if you were okay all I could think about was how I hadn't properly thanked you for everything you've done for Lauren and I.' Demi admits glancing over at Nick who is bouncing Maverick on his knee.

'You don't have to thank me, Demi. I done what any other person would do. It was nothing.' Nick says shaking his head.

'It wasn't nothing... You gave Lauren and I the chance to have a family. You are the reason we have three beautiful children and I just couldn't be more grateful for you, Nick.' She replies causing him to smile.

'Honestly, seeing you and Lauren happy and having these little ones call me Uncle Nick is the best thanks I could ever get.' He says.

'How is Sophie doing?' Demi asks.

'She's still a bit shaken but she'll be fine.' Nick replies.


'I want another baby.' Demi says softly as she rests her head on Lauren's shoulder and watches Nick playing with the kids in the garden.

'I just don't know if I'm ready to carry a baby right now.' Lauren admits.

'That's okay... I could carry another one?' Demi suggests.

'Yeah? I thought you didn't want to carry anymore?' Lauren asks.

'I didn't think I did but I just- One more and then I'm quite happy to be done until you want to carry.' Demi replies glancing at Lauren who smiles.

'We can do that then.' Lauren says.

'We've got like two embryos still and I was thinking we could maybe start the process.' Demi suggests and Lauren nods her head.

'I think that sounds like a great idea, babe.' Lauren replies smiling as they hear Evie and Pippa squealing as Nick pushed them both on swings.

'They're having the time of their life, aren't they? I can't believe they're nearly three.' Demi says shaking her head.

'I know. We need to start planning their party. It's mad because they've got all their little school friends to invite this year.' Lauren replies causing Demi to sigh.

'I still can't believe we've got two children at school.' Demi admits causing Lauren to smile.

'I know. I don't think you'll ever get over any of our kids starting school... Did I tell you Pippa said she wants a donut cake for her birthday?' Lauren says.

'Mmm... Maybe we should do a donut themed party, they're both pretty obsessed.' Demi replies as Lauren laughs.

'They definitely are. We could have one of those donut walls?' Lauren suggests and Demi nods her head.

'Maybe we can think about that.' Demi says. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2018 ⏰

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