disney cruise & big news

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It's a little after 10am when Lauren pulls into the parking space and turns the engine off; she glances over at the passenger seat where Demi is fast asleep with her shoes kicked off and one arm covering her eyes. In the back of the car both Evie and Pippa are also fast asleep after being woken up early this morning to make their trip. Leaning her head back against the seat, Lauren can't help but smile as she takes in the silence. It's been a busy few weeks for both her and Demi which makes them appreciate this break from reality even more. Glancing out the window, she notices Dallas' car pull into the parking space beside them.

'Dems, we're here babes...' Lauren says reaching over and moving some hair out of Demi's face causing her to stir slightly.

'Mmm...' Demi mumbles moving her arm away from her face and glancing over at Lauren.

'I didn't mean to fall asleep.' Demi says and Lauren smiles.

'You must've needed it. We've literally not that long pulled in but everyone else is starting to arrive so I thought I wasbest that we get stuff sorted.' Lauren replies and Demi nods her head.

'Mmhmm... Are the girls still asleep?' Demi asks and Lauren nods her head.

'Fast asleep; we might be able to transfer them from the carseats to the stroller without wakening them.' Lauren replies and Demi smiles.

'Hopefully.' Demi says softly.


'Look, Pippa... Can you see the big ship?' Demi says smiling as she keeps the little girl balanced on her hip and points outtowards the large Disney Cruise Ship which has docked.

'You excited?' Lauren asks smiling as she pushes the stroller containing Evie who is still fast asleep.

'Mmm... This is our first family vacation and it's their first proper experience of Disney.' Demi replies smiling as she glances at the rest of her family walking ahead of them. They managed to get their bags taken to their room by a porter and now they're just waiting to be called to board.

'I know. I think it will be amazing to see their little faces when they get to meet Minnie and Mickey.' Lauren says smilingas Demi gently bounces Pippa on her hip.


'Are we meeting your family for dinner later?' Lauren asks as they make their way out of the room and towards the deck of the ship, each of them with a little girl balanced on their hip.

'Yeah. We figured we could use today to just sort of do our own thing and figure things out then meet for dinner tonight and just take it from there.' Demi replies smiling as she adjusts Evie on her hip.

'You okay? Want me to take her?' Lauren asks and Demi shakes her head.

'I'm fine.' She replies smiling as they make their way out onto the deck and Lauren gasps.

'Wow, there's so many people!' Lauren says and Demi nods her head.

'I guess when you're boarding it doesn't look like that many because you only board a few at a time and we were one of the first... This is insane.' Demi replies shaking her head as they attempt to find a decent spot to watch the 'sailing away' show.


'Well that's us officially sailing, baby.' Lauren says smiling as Demi rests her head against her shoulder.

'Mmm... I feel so sick.' Demi mumbles causing Lauren to smile slightly.

'Oh, babe... Do you want to go back to the room for a bit? I can watch these two for an hour or so whilst you try to sleep thenausea off or you can take this one who is practically asleep anyway?' Lauren suggests and Demi nods her head.

'Sounds like a plan.' Demi says smiling. She passes Evie to Lauren and takes Pippa into her arms causing the little girl to instantly cuddle into her.

'I'll probably just sleep for an hour or so but just come get me if you need anything, yeah?' Demi says and Lauren nods her head.

'Try get some sleep. Message me if you need me to come back to the room, okay?' Lauren says as Demi smiles slightly and leans up to kiss her.

'Love you.' Demi whispers against Lauren's lips causing her to smile.

'Love you too.' Lauren replies.


'Hey, sleepyhead...' Lauren says smiling as she watches Demi stretch her arms out above her head.

'What time is it?' Demi asks sleepily as she glances down at Pippa who is still fast asleep curled into her chest.

'Just after 6, babe... I didn't want to let you sleep too long.' Lauren replies and Demi smiles.

'I think we're going to need to tell my family that I'm pregnant.' Demi says softly, her hand moving to rest against her stomach.

'Yeah? I thought you wanted to wait until we'd passed the twelve week mark?' Lauren says and Demi nods her head.

'I did but I just don't think I can't spend this entire week just sneaking off to take naps or throw up.' Demi replies.

'Okay. We could tell them tonight at dinner if you want?' Lauren suggests and Demi nods her head.

'Ugh I'm dreading waking this little monkey up.' Demi says running her hand down Pippa's back.

'You two are going to have trouble getting to sleep tonight.' Lauren says causing Demi to sigh.

'I know.' Demi replies quietly.


'So Lauren and I have a bit of news to share with you all... Around five months ago we decided to start going through the IVF process to give Evie and Pippa a little brother or sister. We obviously had the two frozen embryos from last time and decided to just transfer the one to minimise the risk of having twins again... We felt so incredibly lucky when the first embryo took.' Demi says watching as Dianna's face instantly lights up.

'But unfortunately that little embryo wasn't to be. I had a miscarriage which was when I sort of disappeared on you all for a few weeks. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go through with another cycle and for a few weeks we discussed Lauren carrying our next baby instead.' Demi continues as she glances at Lauren who gently squeezes her hand.

'When it came down to it I decided that I did actually want to carry another baby; I loved being pregnant with the twins and I wanted to experience that again so we transferred the second embryo and I am currently seven weeks pregnant.' Demi says.

'Oh my goodness, really?' Dianna asks and Demi nods her head.

'We were planning to wait until twelve weeks to tell you all because obviously last time this didn't end too well and it'sespecially terrifying now.' Demi replies as Dianna moves round the table to hug Demi.

'Congratulations, sweetheart. I am so happy for you both.' Dianna says wrapping one arm around Demi and the other around Lauren.

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