life with kids

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'Now today's show is an extra special one as our next guest is going to be giving us a brutally honest interview about her life and her family.' Ellen says standing up. 

'From staring on the Barney to the Disney channel and Grammy wins; she's done it all but life hasn't been without strugglesand that's something she's never hid. Please put your hands together for Demi Lovato!' Ellen announces causing the audience to cheer as Demi makes her way out wearing a tailored navy jumpsuit with her brunette hair flowing down past her shoulders.

'Hey...' Demi says smiling as she wraps her arms around Ellen.

'Hi, thank you for doing this... Let's have a seat. Firstly, I want to say a huge congratulations on the Grammy! You must be so happy!' Ellen says and Demi nods her head. They both take a seat and Ellen slides a bottle of water towards her.

‘Thank you; I really am.’ Demi replies smiling.

'How are you feeling?' Ellen asks.

'Bit nervous.' Demi admits.

'How come?' Ellen asks and Demi shrugs her shoulders.

'I don't know. It's been a while since I did a proper interview.' Demi replies smiling.

'How are your family? Any of them here with you today?' Ellen asks.

'Lauren is right over there and Maverick is backstage with Kelsey, my assistant.' Demi replies gesturing to where Lauren is sitting in the audience.

'How are you, Lauren?' Ellen asks smiling over at Lauren.

'I'm good, thanks.' Lauren replies.

‘Are you proud of this one?’ Ellen asks and Lauren nods her head.

‘Extremely proud.’ Lauren replies smiling.

'So tell us about your family? What is a typical day in your life?' Ellen asks looking back at Demi.

'Our days vary depending on what we have planned. Tomorrow we'll probably just lounge about the house until it is time forthe girls to go to gymnastics.' Demi replies.

'Do they enjoy gymnastics?' Ellen asks and Demi nods her head.

'Evie loves it; Lauren and I often joke that she's going to be our little Olympic champion. Pippa enjoys going but she's not as in to it as Evie is.' Demi replies smiling.

'How would you describe being a mom? If I said you had to pick three words?' Ellen asks and Demi sighs.

'Hmm... Three words? That's a difficult one. I'd say hard, rewarding and terrifying.' Demi replies glancing across at Laurenwho smiles and nods her head.

'Interesting. Why did you pick terrifying?' Ellen asks.

'Because everything about it is terrifying. I remember when we first brought the twins home and I was terrified I was going to do something wrong. The fear never goes away; it just changes.' Demi explains.

'What do you worry about now?' Ellen asks.

'Everything. At the moment I'm really worrying about them going to school which is ridiculous because they're only two but I know how cruel children can be.' Demi replies.

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