Chapter 2- Getting to know jack

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Maisie's P.O.V:

i walked into Spanish..

"Hello you must be the new girl.. umm... Maisie Johnson??" the man said.

"Yeah where do I sit?"

"Go sit next aaron"

"who's aaron?" I laughed

"umm.. me!" a really hot boy said standing up.

"Oh... Ok!"

I walked over to him and sat down.

"hey Maisie right?" the cute boy asked.

"yeah.. your obviously aaron!" I replied giggling.

"haha you got it. Do you have any friends here?"

"nope I have my sister who is probably gonna sit on her fucking own!" he laughed.

"haha.. do you wanna sit with me and my best friend taylor?"

pointing over to the brown haired boy.

that's someone who Reese would love!.

"umm. yeah sure!!"


Reese's P.O.V:

Jack asked me to go his house after school to do our science project. He waited outside my class for me and we walked to his car.

"Reese where you going?" I heard Maisie shout.

"Umm I'm going to jacks to do our science project!"

she winked and got in her car.

"who's that?" jack asked getting in his car.

"my sister.. Maisie" I replied shutting the door behind me.

"woow she sure as hell isn't as gorgeous as you!"

"Awwwe jack" I said hiding my face blushing. We both laughed and drived off.


I got out of the car to see a massive house infront of me!, woow jacks house is cute!.

"Jack your house!" I said hugging his arm..

what?! Why am I doing this I've only just met him!..

"what about it?" he answered holding me.

why are we doing this... I mean we barely know eachother.. but it feels like years I've known him!.

We walk into the house and I see a really pretty woman coming towards us.

"Hello sweetie. Your dinner will be done soon. who's this young lady?" she asked. she looked just like jack!.

"Thanks mom. Oh this is Reese she is here to do our science project!" he answered patting my head making me giggle.

"Hello Mrs . Gilinsky! nice to meet you!" I said waving my hand.

We walked down some stairs leading to the basement and we sat down.

Jack's P.O.V:

I know I've only just met Reese but she is asked great girl!. She is gorgeous, funny, caring I just love her!.. wait.. what noo! I can't! not yet.

"Ok so tell me about you, Reese Johnson." I say poking her cheek.

"Well I'm 17, I live with my mom and dad.. well they are always out on buisness calls and work things, my sister.. Maisie and I just moved here from North Carolina. I'm best friends with nash grier, I used to get bullied thats why we moved and I'm single That's all all gotta say about me.. I guess?!. Now your turn!" she says. She looks gorgeous! her eyes were amazing.

"Ok. I've lived here pretty much all my life, I'm apart of this thing called magcon. If you know nash you'd know what that and jj have been friends since we were babies, I live here with my mom, dad and my 2 brothers, I'm single... That's all!" I replied laughing.

"Thats cool!." she said looking at the floor.

"Ok let's start this project!" I reply pulling out my mac book.


"Reese you know what?" I say looking at her after writing the last sentence.

"What?" she replied smiling.

"your so gorgeous you know that. Why did you get bullied?"

"thanks.. umm.. Maisie used to be in the 'popular group' and they all bullied me from 7th grade up to 10th grade. I started to cut my self in year 9 and then I met nash. He was the best thing that really happened to me. I was walking to school with nash when I got ran over. I got hit.

I woke up in hospital. I was in intensive care for 5 days. I got out and the girls carried on bullying and I took an overdose.. ended up in hospital again, my sister told them to stop even though she was joining in. I got out after 1 night then the girls carried on. Nash told them, my parents did but they didn't bother other people joined in. I carried on cutting.

I was so close to dying.. Why did I just tell you that.. I don't really know you. but I feel different around you jack, I feel like Ive known you for years. I trust you. I love you!" she says covering her face. I see her cry.

"really..what the fuck.. I don't like the look of Maisie. she looks the kind that would date someone, have sex with them and move on to their best friend. OMG I feel the same Way. Please don't cry Reese. I'm sorry for asking you don't cry babe" I reply hugging her tight.

she looks up and she looks broken.

"no jack you don't need to be sorry. I'm glad you brought it up I mean if we're gonna bes best friends then we need to no everything about eachother!" she reply as I wipe her tears away.

*awkward silence*

I began to lean my head towards hers as she did the same.

Our lips crashed against eachother and I had fireworks setting off in my belly.

I deepened the kiss by rubbing my tongue against her bottom lip.

she opens her mouth and they start to fight.

she pulls my hair making my moan and I pull her back closer to mine. It was great, our lips were moving in the same sinc.

"hey umm ja- woow I'm sorry dude!" I heard jj say.

shit why walk in..

she pulled away.

"Ohh umm.. hey jj!" she said smirking going red.

"hey guys.. did I walk in at the wrong time!" he asked laughing 

"yeah kinda!" I say rubbing my neck.

We all sat and watched films until it was 9.

"Hey jack, jj u have to go! see you at school aight!" she said pushing up from my body.

"yeah ofcourse meet us at the gate see you tomorrow babe!" I reply kissing her forehead.

she walks out and jj looks straight at me 

"dude are you to a thing?" he asks.

"no.. just friends.. I just needed that to happen. she started to cry telling me about moving here and why she did so"

"oh! Jack's got a bae!" he says jumping on the coach.

my phone vibrates..


Hey umm do you wanna come to my mom's welcome home party you and jj? my sisters bringing her friends aaron and taylor? just let me no babex


Hey yeah sure jj said he would love to and obviously I want to just to be with my beautiful best friend oh no not those two... well taylor he's cool but aaron he is a player and Maisie... but yeah sure babe x

I set my phone down in my pocket and nd me jj walked to my room.

"so when is this party thing?" jj asked.

"I'm not sure I will ask tomorrow night" I said switching my light off.

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