Chapter 4- Reese and taylors date

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Chapter 4:

I just got out the shower to get ready for mine and taylors date. I dry my hair and curl the ends of it, I did my makeup and walked over to my wardrobe. I picked my lord black laced long sleeved dress and black heels.

Hey babe i will be there in 5 minutes can't wait to see you x

Hey ok hun see you soon x

I walk into Maisie's room..

"Yeah ok see you in 10 minutes!" she says.

"hey who was that?" I ask

"it was aar- we shit you look amazing Reese!" she says hugging me.

"thankyou." I reply hugging back


he is at the door... The hottest boy in high school.

I grab my purse and my phone and answered the door.

"he- wow Reese,  you look gorgeous" taylor says grabbing my hand.

"hey.. thankyou taylor. You don't look to bad yourself " I reply making us both laugh.

We get in the car and we just talk and laugh until we got to this really small but cute restaurant. It had fairy lights inside and out, it looked so pretty.

"Taylor.. This is really pretty" I say as he got me out of the car.

"I know just like you" he replys holding my hand.

We walk in and get our table..

"So Reese tell me about yourself"

should I tell him what I told jack?

I'm going to tell him..

" ok, I'm 16, I have a brother who lives with his girlfriend in North Carolina, Conor Maynard, my best friends are nash grier, jack johnson and jack gilinsky. umm..  Maisie my sister, used to be in the 'popular group' their was her, Sarah, Chelsea, Gemma and they all bullied me from 7th grade up to 10th grade. I started to cut my self in year 9 and then I met nash. He was the best thing that really happened to me. I was walking to school with nash when I got ran over. I got hit.

I woke up in hospital. I was in intensive care for 5 days. I got out and the girls carried on bullying and I took an overdose.. ended up in hospital again, my sister told them to stop even though she was joining in. I got out after 1 night then the girls carried on. Nash told them, my parents did but they didn't bother other people joined in. I carried on cutting.

I was so close to dying.. I'm sorry for telling you this I mean you probably didn't want to know that" I said hiding my face.

"What... your sister.. bullied you? Maisie? why is she so nice to you now though? I mean is she nice to you.. what the fuck. that's made me mad! knowing all that happened to you.. The girl who I really li-" he stopped their. huh. .taylor caniff likes me!.

"Yeah my sister, I guess what happened kinda.. you know.. changed her. don't be mad please tay. Wait... You like me?" I asked looking in his eyes.

"I'm sorry babe. I guess.. you could say that.. yeah!"

"OMG! Tay I really like you too!" I reply smiling.

"well I guess things happen for a reason.. we're meant to be!" he says making me laugh.


We finally finish eating and we walk to the beach which was 5 minutes away from the restaurant.

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