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(Unedited. )

He was dangerously close to the mountain, a place his father told him to never go. He was so close his stood in 4 inches of snow. Of course he knew he wasn't suppose to be this far, but young T'Challa just had to find out why for himself.

It was said the people of the Jabari tribe were arrogant as if they were better than everyone else. Not to mention ruthless, taking what they wanted without any regards to anyone else. They were a selfish tribe who only looked out for one themselves.

T'Challa didn't believe that was true, the young boy believing there was good in everyone. Sometimes you've got to dig deep to see it. He was a curious one, and it wasn't often he got to explore and do things as 'normal' children would. At 12 he was already training in preparation to be King some day. Everything was always some type of lesson and after the attack on the Wakanda boarder last month, everything his baba had him tend to was all work no play. However, he would never blatantly disobey his father.

So while T'Chaka was on one of his missions in America ( see what I did there?) T'Challa took the time to ditch his security detail when they went into town. He made his way toward the mountain, sure to move quickly. Now stepping in a foot of snow, T'Challa marveled at the land around him. It was like a winter wonderland. The Prince, though he'd seen it on plenty of American tv shows, had never been in the snow before. The cold was refreshing compared to the normal above 95 degree temperatures he was accustom to, even though he was thankful he wore closed toe shoes. He continued to look around though he made sure he didn't venture too far into the icy blanket of snow, when he noticed another pair of footprints.

Frowning he turned around on high alert. Though he was scared, he refused to show it.

"Who is there?" He called out, letting whomever know he was aware of their presence. He prepared to sound the alert on his kimoyo beads when he was struck in the back with a snow ball.

Quickly he turned, confused. He touched his back feeling the wet spot.



He was hit again with yet another snow ball this time from above, a small giggle followed and he looked up.

"Show you're self," he demanded though his voice was light.

Moments later, a girl, who looked no older than him appeared with a playful smile on her face. T'Challa took in her appearance, she wore a tribal skirt the patterns intricately detailed and a tank top with a few patches of fur as if it were enough to shelter her from the cold. While he him self was cold and though she'd be freezing, the girl was fine being use to the temperature all her life. He also took note of her gray hair that was braided into a nice puff that sat on top of her head.

She was definitely different like his father had told him, though she didn't seem threatening at all.

"Huh? What?"
"Ikwenkwe," she slapped her forehead lightly. "What is your name?"
"T'Challa, and yours?" He answered refraining from telling her he was the prince.

In his experience, people treated him differently and he figured with the Jabari tribe being so disconnected from the rest of Wakanda she wouldn't know who he was.

"I'm Akasha." She offered a friendly smile. "So, do you accept my challenge."
"What challenge?" He frowned ready to put his faurd up.
"My snowball fight challenge genius." She said referring to the balls she'd thrown at him a short while ago.

A snow ball fight? Of course. Though he'd never been in one before he'd seen them on tv. Excitement taking over he bent down taking a ball of snow between his two large hands.

What the mischievous grin her eye she began to take a few steps back knowing he was already game.

"Prepare for war," he shouted before launching one in her direction.

It was on from there. They're snow ball fight continued for a while, the two children running and chasing after one another enjoying the snow and each other's company. T'Challa was an only child and didn't know many of the other children in the village while, Akasha wasn't an only child but her brother was much older and the most children thought she was a freak.

It was nice for both of them to have some company outside of their usual comfort zone. But all good things must come to and end when you're breaking the rules.

"T'Challa," came from the West.
"Akasha," came from the East.

Both gasped. Knowing they'd both be in big trouble for wondering too far away from home.

"I gotta go." Akasha said feeling a bit sad as she walked backwards toward the mountain.

T'Challa watched knowing he'd have to hurry back.

"Me too, bye Akasha."
"Bye Prince T'Challa," she gave a small curtsy before grinning and running off.

So she did know who I was, he though.

He smiled to himself happy to have made a new friend, before turning of and running back toward the call of the Dora Milaje with one final thought on his mind.

The mountain people aren't bad at all.

Yassssssss!! The first chapter is up!!
I'm so excited for this story! I have the Erik Killmonger one out but I absolutely HAD to do a T'Challa one. After all he is my chocolate bae 😛😛😛
Hope you all enjoy!
Updating again soon!

Xhosa translation ( accord to google )
ikwenkwe - boys

Queen of the Mountain - T'Challa UdakaWhere stories live. Discover now