Stay The Night

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2697 word count.

For the remainder of the evening, Akasha sat at a table off in the corner by herself observing everyone at the celebration. This was the first time she had been out and around the people of Wakanda outside of her own tribe like this. While most acted timid and scared of her, she wasn't exactly jumping to socialize either. It didn't bother her. She was an observer. However, while everyone was up and about mingling as the music played softly in the background, there were a few children who came up to her asking for her autograph which she thought was both hilarious and adorable. Maybe a tad bit annoying as well. There was another who noticed, as they approached shooing the children away.

"Children, children, you know better than to bother our warriors like this. Run along now."
"Yes princess." Some chorused with a giggle as they skipped off.

"Thank you princess, I appreciate you for providing relief." Akasha smiled with a slight bow of her head in respect.
"Please, those children are little monsters. Glad I never was one." Shuri scoffed.
"Ah, surely being just few years older, you'd want to join them?" Akasha teased before laughing at the young or princesses expression.

"I'd think not." Shuri playfully rolled her eyes. "There are much better I can do with my time."
"Oh yes, I did quite enjoy your thesis on Thermonuclear Astrophysics and how when paired with vibranium could revolutionize Wakandas weapons against those who seek destroy us while expanding our shield providing a more effective was to protect costing us less man power."
"You-you read my article?" Shuri stuttered in awe.
"Oh of course. I'm a fan." Akasha admitted with a grin. "Have you ever though of weaponizing the cloak on Wakanda? With a little magnetic confinement, laser induced plasma would definitely do the trick

For a moment, Shuri stood in front of the warrior mouth slightly ajar. It was rare anyone outside of the palace would talk shop with her; most fearing she'd see them as inferior, scared they wouldn't be able to hold the princess interest too long. Shuri could hardly contain her excitement.

"You've got to come to my lab!" Shuri blurted out. "There's so much I have to show you. We could come up with-"
"Shuri," the voice of the king interrupted but went ignored.

"I'd love to talk more and possibly start with the blueprints for this with you-"
"Shuri-" he tried once more only for his sister to continue to ignore him, Akasha watching with an amused expression.

"-talk about your genetic mutation if you're up for it. If my hypothesis is correct then-"
"Shuri," the additional bass in T'Challa's voice broke the young genius out of her rant. "I believe that is enough."
"Sorry brother." Blushing she took a step back. "Warrior. I didn't mean to take too much of your time-"
"Nonsense, your highness. It was I who expressed interest in your expertise." Akasha waved off the apology.
"Is that so, sister?" T'Challa looked on surprised and Shuri grinned.
"Yes brother. Superior intellect such as ourselves, tend to gravitate towards one another. Right Akasha?" Shuri grinned, receiving one from the young woman in return.
"You said it, your highness."

T'Challa raised an eyebrow at his childhood friend, who sent him a wink.

"Sister, do you mind if I borrow our guest for a moment?" Shuri broke out in a wide knowing grin.
"She's all yours brother. It was very nice meeting you Akasha."
"You as well, princess." Akasha stood bowing slightly before turning toward T'Challa, "your highness?"

"You lead, I'll follow."

With a nod, she excited the ballroom, the king in tow as promised. She figured he just wanted to talk to her away from others eyes and ears. Once they made it into the foyer, T'Challa placed his hand on her lower back guiding her in the direction he wanted to take her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2019 ⏰

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