For The Throne

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"No way!"

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"No way!"

Shuri beamed at her brother still shocked from what he revealed.
"Way," T'Challa chuckled at how star struck she was acting.

"And you're sure she is going to be there, brother?"
"Yes Shuri,"
lSo I get to meet the great Storm?" She looked away in awe. "Bast.."
"Shuri." Came her brothers warning.
"Sorry, I meant, Akasha," Shuri dragged out her name in a teasing tone.

T'Challa groaned.

He regretted telling her he knew Akasha at times like these, but he refused for her to only be told lies and nothing of the truth. How the rumors made her seem like she was something to be feared. Since she was a young child, T'Challa made sure he told Shuri all of the great things about storm. In his eyes Akasha, was a beautiful and gentle force to be reckoned with, one he knew was an honor to know, and he wanted Shuri to feel the same way. And boy did she ever! The girl was definitely a 'fan' of Akasha and fascinated by her. He told her of her beauty her kindness how playful spirit and her magnificent power. Shuri was The only one to know the real nature behind Storm as well her brother's relationship with her as well.

W'Kabi as well, seeing as he was T'Challa's best friend.

"You ever tell her how you felt about her?"
"There's nothing to tell." T'Challa shrugged as they continued on the path to her lab.
"Ah, so the reason you broke up with Nakia wasn't because you still had feelings for someone else?"

Like an antelope in headlights T'Challa didn't know what to say. How did she-

"I heard you talking to W'Kabi" she confessed through laughter as they approached the hall to her destination. "The look on you face."

With a roll of his eyes he mushed he head playfully before waving a finger at her.

"You are deeply invested into my business are you not." Shaking his head, he continued on leaving her alone.

"You didn't deny it!" She called after him only to receive as dismissive gesture in return.

He couldn't deny it. Akasha had completely consumed him the moment he saw her last week and even after all these years he still felt some sort of magnetic pull to her. Shaking his head he shifted his thoughts to the upcoming ceremony that would take place in just a few hours. Though he knew and prepare for this moment all his life, never did he think he's become King under these circumstances. Never did he think he'd reign without his father there to continue to guide him. T'Challa watched his father his whole life while he worked worked to protect their kingdom and their people and grow. He watched him do it with his mother by his side. King and Queen. In a few hours he'll be crowned King...but how could even be half the King his father was without a Queen?

T'Challa's eyes wondered all around the mountain as he searched for her. He spotted her up fairly high but close enough to make out the encouraging smile Akasha sent his way. She was alone, the only one from the Jabari tribe but that was to be expected. He couldn't suppress the boyish grin from working its way unto her face as he gave a nod in returning showing his gratitude.

Queen of the Mountain - T'Challa UdakaWhere stories live. Discover now