Weathering The Storm

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T'Challa was pissed

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

T'Challa was pissed.

What were his parents thinking, having another child? He'd be 18 this year, the time for having a sibling was way past over. God forbid it was a boy. Call him selfish but he spent so much time preparing to be King he refused for someone to come along and be able to challenge him for the throne. He headed to the mountain lands hoping he'd see her there. He desperately needed someone to talk to and with W'kadi unavailable, he was glad it was their day. The tree where they had first met became their meeting ground and after the 3rd time of running into one another, they agreed to sneak away to play together every third Sunday.

As T'Challa got closer to their usual meeting grounds he had a gut feeling something was wrong. Immediately he noticed, this part of the land wasn't just covered in snow, but it was raining, almost like a storm.

That's when he saw her, the girl with the silver hair, only now she was a bit older looking than before. The one who'd he had been meeting with in secret over the years on a few occasions whom had become one of his very best friends. Slowly he approached her and when he got close enough, reached out and gently touched her shoulder.

"Hey-" She flinched away from the contact and whipped around.
"No, get away from me," Akasha looked at him horror written all over her face.
"Akasha," he spoke softly as he took in her tear stained face, he put his hand behind her head bringing her forward. "What's going on?"
"Please T'Challa, I don't wanna hurt you."  She tried to pull away but he held her in place.
"You won't, you're not gonna hurt me."  He assured her.
"I hurt everyone." And as she sobbed harder the winds began to pick up. "I'm a monster."
"You're not a monster," T'Challa's voice was firm as he made her look at him. "but you must calm down. You have to stop."
"Musa ubona?  I can't stop it." Gently she leaned her head against his as she continued to cry. "I can't control it,"

His heart broke at how heartbroken and defeated she looked. "you much go T'challa , please. I can't..."

The sky was darkening and he could hear thunder rolling. He wasn't sure before but it was clear to him now that everything going on with the weather was controlled by her emotions. He looked at Akasha once more and could see how her breathing was labored. She needed oxygen. She needed a distraction.

So he kisses her.

Akasha froze, the action being so sudden. He kissed her and the world fell away. It was a few moments before Akasha kissed back but she relaxed her body leaning into his. The kiss was slow and soft, bringing her a comfort in ways that words would never be in the moment. His hand rested below her ear, his thumb caressing her cheek as their breaths mingled both enjoying this new experience with one another.
Finally the two pulled away, staring at one another as they caught their breaths. The sky was clear again, bright and cloud free as it was predicted to be for the day.

Suddenly she slapped him.

"Ah, woman! What it wrong with you?" T'Challa stared at her in disbelief
"Oy! You don't just go stealing a woman's first kiss like that. Who do you think you are." No she was glaring he could see the small smile she was trying to suppress.
"It was a nice way to calm the storm was it not," he grinned as she blushed.
"Arrogant Prince," she spat folding her arms.

There was a peaceful silence between the two as they sat against the tree watching the Wakandan sunset together. No they wouldn't talk about it they were both taking this time to be in each other's company and clear their minds. T'Challa knee his issues weren't too serious and could be put on the back burner, but for now, he wanted to know more about what was going on with Akasha. He'd be lying if he said her keeping a secret of this magnitude from him didn't hurt his feels. They told each other everything.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He finally broke the silence.
"What do you purpose I said T'Challa." Akasha voiced bitterly. "Oh hey, I have a rare genetic mutation that allows me to control the weather."
"Akasha, I'm being serious."

She sighed closing her eyes as she leaned back against the tree.

"Everyone already thinks I'm a freak. Was it wrong for me to have one friend who wouldn't judge me."
"I'd never judge you ," Akasha scoffed when those words left his mouth. "I'm being serious. Have you judged me based on who I am?"
"No, you are just T'challa to me." She said honestly. "Title or not. I'd care about you just the same."
"As you are Akasha to me and I feel the very same. I see what's in here," he pointed to her heart, his eyes never leaving hers.

Akasha looked over at T'Challa as he inches closer. Her heartbeat quickened with anticipation. Sure he had kissed her before but that was to help her. So what was this? Did he like her? Akasha has like him for a while, but he was the prince of Wakanda and she knew it couldn't be. Still, the fact that it was him initiating a second kiss had her stomach filled with butterflies. T'Challa realized he liked Akasha exactly 3 months ago. When W'Kabi pointed out how much he spoke about her. The way he would compare any of the girls around to Akashi in some sort of way. He was taking a chance now, hoping she wanted to kiss him as bad as he wanted to kiss her.

There lips were a few inches apart when his kimoyo beads went off signaling it was time for him to return home. He sighed leaning his forehead against hers feeling as though the moment was ruined.

The slowly pulled apart, Akasha blushing and T'Challa with an awkward cough.

"I have to go," she nodded knowing her brother would be looking for her soon.
"Thank you, for helping me." She told him once he helped her on her feet.
"I'll always be there for you Akasha."
"And I you,"
"I hope to see you soon." He said scratching the back of his neck

Akasha gave him a small smile before standing on her tiptoes and planting a kiss  dangerously close to his lips. Pulling back slowly she looked at him biting her lip slightly. T'Challa was completely enchanted by her, the attraction between them evident to any outside looking in.

"Same, my Prince." She agreed before the two reluctantly parted ways.

Unfortunately because of the events that followed, both parties wouldn't see each other for a long time.

Yoooo I swear to God I don't have abandonment issues lmao ( all jokes aside if anyone reading this does, let's talk I'll help )
These are just how things play out in my ideas. A method to my madness though so bare with me
Anywho, I love their little relationship

Xhosa translation ( according to google)
Musa ubona - Don't you see?

Queen of the Mountain - T'Challa Udakaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें