My King

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The ball was in full affect as everyone came looking their best, where it be Kente and Abocost, to  dashiki, they were dressed to celebrate the new black panther. After the feast, the people of Wakanda were able to give a tribute as they pledged their loyalty to the new King.

Said King sat upon the throne with both his mother and Shuri at his side as they both sat watching the performance by the Dora Milaje as the danced to a beautiful melodic drum praising their new king. The trio of royalty clapped with genuine smiles on their faces as it came to an end. As they exited the performance floor, Zuri took their place.

"We thank the Dora Milaje for that beautiful dance as well as the measures they continuously take to keep us all safe." He sent a respectful bow in their direction. "Now, is there anyone from the Jabari tribe that would like to pay their respects?"

It was a long shot, the question being asked in the first place, for no one from the Jabari tribe ever showed up to any of the events that were held at the palace. It was humorous to most that Zuri ever took the time ask, but it was tradition and they'd never stray from such a thing. A few moments of silence passed and a few whispers among snickers were heard when suddenly the hall doors flew open.

The Dora Milaje were instantly on alert prepared to take down whatever threat presented itself, when a young woman emerged from the door way. The pitter patter of her bare feet hitting the marble floor filled the now silent room as she gracefully made her way to the center of the room. All eyes were on her as most were shocked and enchanted by the beautiful chocolate skin girl who graced them all with her presence for the second time in 2 days.

T'Challa hadn't taken his eyes off her, drinking in her appearance. This was the first time he'd seen her out of her usual attire. Akasha wore a beautiful Jabari-Mitumba dress that split slightly on her left leg as the slight train in her dress trailed behind her. The gown hugged her waist perfectly while the tip was sleeveless connecting to a gold plated choker that matched her earrings as well as the rest of her jewelry besides a few hand crafted bracelets. Her gray curls were pinned up in 2 'perfectly messy' buns  embellished with gold beads. Her luscious lips were painted red, while the rest of her face was bare of any trace of makeup. Her beauty was natural and something T'Challa appreciates about her. The way she embraced it. There was nothing else in this world that T'Challa wanted in that moment than to be with her.

"I, Akasha of the Jabari tribe, am here to present the royal family with a few gifts." Akasha announced once she finally stood before the three; T'Challa with a look surprise and wanting on his face, Queen Ramunda looking a bit indifferent, while Shuri sat with the biggest grin.

"Lady Akasha."
"Princess Shuri," the warrior greeted with a small smile a bow.
"I've heard many great things about you."
"You have?" Akasha couldn't help but ask  in surprise, unable to catch herself having been caught off guard by the princess's statement.
"Oh yes! How you are a perfect balance of calm and storm. How you use to part the clouds so you and -"
"Shuri," Queen Ramunda sung out in amusement reeling in her daughter.
"Sorry mother." The young girl blushed as the queen turned her attention to the woman before her.
"Akasha," she nodded
"Queen mother," Akasha bowed respectfully once more sincerely adding. "My comfort for your lost."
"Many thanks to you for your attendance and appreciation for your words." The Queen spoke with just as much sincerity.

While she remained weary of the Jabari girl, she admired her bravery for attending both T'Challa's ceremony and celebration.

With another smile at the Queen, she then turned meeting the brown eyes of the new head of her country.
"My king," she bowed maintaining eye contact.

T'Challa clenched his jaw slightly trying to push back the impure thoughts that surfaced when she called him 'her king'. With a small smile he too gave a respectful nod

"It is good to see you, Akasha."
"I am honored to be in your presence my king."

Smiling she then held her wrist up slightly; she removed 3 bracketed as she spoke.

"These are special to the Jabari tribe. We believe they can only being given personally since they provide a special kind of healing power. Woven by my hand, I've prayed over them that you'd be granted peace, comfort when needed, and be blessed with an abundance of love as you have shown our people."

After she was given clearance, she was able to place each custom bracelet on each of their wrist.

"This is truly beautiful," Queen mother spoke as she admired the detail in the new jewelry that now adorned her wrist.

"It pleases me that you think so." Akasha grinned as she stepped back Gabe's clasped in front of her. "One last thing. While I'm sure you're aware of what I can do, it is no secret." Thunder clapped in the distance. "So ever shall you need it, you will always have my protection."

The room broke out in whispers at her deceleration and Akasha had to fight now to roll her eyes

"Thank you Akasha," at this she bowed once more.
"Enjoy your evening Queen Mother. Princess." She turned toward Challa the two pair of eyes finding one another. "My King."

Boy! This update is long overdue. Well I'm not sure many are still around for me to continue, I shall because I still have a passion for this story as well as Black Panther. Some of you already know, via the stories that I've had in the past, but I'm a Mom and I'm grown as shit, and I'm out here adulting & shit. So life has taken over but writing has always been an outlet for me and I would definitely like to continue. So go ahead and vote if you're still with me! I will have another chapter by the weekend


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