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-I woke up. The first thing I heard was my annoying alarm. I wasn't sure if I was ready for such a thing as leaving to Canada, but maybe moving to a new place would be healthy for me and would help to start a new life, and meet new people. I don't know. I went to the restroom and took a quick shower. I put on black shorts with a Camila Cabello hoodie.

-"Regina!!" I heard my mom yelling from downstairs. "Come here to eat breakfast your flight is going to take off in 1 hour!"

I ran downstairs to pick up my phone that was charging. I can't believe that I'm leaving just like that. Its too random!! I then took my suitcases and my bag. I walked to my car, crying. I can't believe I'm leaving this place! I just can't ok? I put on my earphones, and we took off.

We arrived at the airport a half hour later.

My flight was about to arrive so I hugged my mom goodbye, and I ran while waving at her.

I walked to my flight.


(Skip the flight)

My mom told me that she already paid my month's rent for an apartment. I took a taxi and I gave him the direction of my new home. It was weird to say that.

When I arrived to my new house, I need to get used to this word, I took the keys from my bag and opened the door. When I entered to my apartment, I had actually thought it was really nice. It had a giant window with a beautiful view and a little kitchen, perfect for me because I don't know how to cook. I went to my new room and I saw a really cozy room with a vintage style. I organized my things and everything was set and perfect. I looked at my phone and I saw that it was already late, so, I went to take a quick shower. I wore my pijamas and went to sleep. Tomorrow, a new adventure will begin.
Hello,I know this chapter I short but I do this on school with my friends jeje, welll hope you like it and if you have an idea Please tell me, hope you like it. This story it's going to be great, we already have the idea of the full story, welll bye.

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