Intro Scenario

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A/n: Ohaiyo, minna!!! OwO

Midorima: Ohaiyo, nodayo.

Kise: Ohaiyo!!! *w*

Aomine: Heyo.

Kuroko: Ohaiyo, Minna.

A/N: From now on, the G.O.M and I will be presenting to you bedtime stories, and scenarios  inspired by our fellow Wattpad-ers! *throws confettis everywhere*

Aomine: More like forced to.

Others: AHOMINE!!! D:<

Ahomine: Wut? -_-

A/N: *sniffs* I didn't know you- *sniffs* didn't want to- *pulls out tissue from pocket, and blows nose* t-to join Aomine-kun * tears starts to spill out* if you really don't want to join us *sniffs* you could escape the c-chatroom now... T^T

Momoi: Fea-chan! Now, look what you did Dai-chan! You made her cry!

Ahomine: Sakurai! Help me apologise to Fear! -_-

Sakurai: I'm Sorry!!! I'm Sorry!!! I'm Sorry!!! I'm Sorry!!! I'm Sorry!!! I'm Sorry!!! I'm Sorry!!! I'm Sorry!!! I'M SO SORRY Fearless-san!!! T^T

Satsuki: Dai-chan! You, yourself have to apologise to Fea-chan not Sakurai-kun! D:<

Aomine: Nah, I'm too lazy. *yawns, and sleeps on the nearest pillow*-_-

Murasakibara: Mine-chin~*munch*  Fea-chin spent weeks *munch*  preparing for this book and *munch* she spent days to *munch* gather up all her poridge-

Himuro: *Courage

Murasakibara: - Courage to ask each *munch* of us --including Aka-chin-- if we are happy to join her *munch* book-thing that *munch* she was planing to publish for the people out there *munch*

Midorima: She also asked our basketball teams to also join, even though she knew people can't hear her because of her small voice, nanodayo~.

Kuroko: And Aomine-kun, She even promised that she will give everything we want in exchange of joining her book.

Ahomine: Like?

Kuroko: Like she will give me a tall cup of Vanilla milkshake during breaktime.

Momoi: She'll help me burn Dai-chan's ~BEEP~ magazines, and accompany me shopping! >o<

Murasakibara: She'll give me *munch* 2 boxes of *munch* Mauibo *munch*.

Akashi: She'll buy me a new pair of scissors for my collection.

Midorima: She'll give me my lucky items everyday, nodayo~ *pushes glasses up*

Kise: And she'll visit me during my photoshoot~suu! OwO

Ahomine: How about me? She never mentioned about any of this to my face! D:<

Midorima: You kept glaring at her after she woke you up at Touo's rooftop, and when she asked you what do you want in exchange of participating the book, you didn't listen to her right from the start, and fell asleep again on the cold hard floor. Nodayo~

Momoi: And that's when I came to the scene and immediately accepted Fea-chan's request!!! (OwO)b


A/N: Aomine-kun you can still escape the chatroom if you still don't want to join the book... T^T I just wanted the G.O.M and their basketball team to spend more time with each other like one big happy family by joining my book. But if you don't want to join the book it's fine. *sniff* T^T

Ahomine: YES!!! I'm free-

Akashi: NO

Ahomine: WHAT!?!

Akashi: Are you opposing me, Daiki? 

Ahomine logged off 15 seconds ago.

Akashi: thought so. And Heather, Now that I know the reason why you wanted us to join your book, no one who already accepted Heather's invitation will back out. Clear? *cue intimidating eyes and aura* 

Others: H-HAI!!! (Salutes)

Akashi: And if someone does... *cue yandere smirk* They face death sooner than expected. * cue evil chuckle*

Kuroko, Kise, Midorima, Murasakibara, Momoi, Sakurai, and Himuro logged off a second ago.

A/N: Akashi-san... *sweatdrop* I think you scared them...

Akashi: Not my fault, and since you are in charge of working on the book, I expect great things from you. I'll deal with Daiki now.

Akashi logged off

A/N: *sigh* Well that's Akashi for you! Viewers, I accept requests! Just comment your requests here in this chap  and if I have too much free time I'll see what I can do! And please be patient with me, I sometimes have a tight schedule during the weekdays, and I doze off during weekends (-_-II) 


A/N logged off

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