Kiseki no Sedai + Kagami: Stuck in Minecraft!

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This is for Kelly-chii :3 for helping me to retrieve the minecraft app!!!


In a small room, Admin-san is now playing some kind of block-pixel game while trying to kill a zombie with an iron axe.

Heather: NO! NO! Don't kill me yet! I just found a diamond in the-

[------------------{Game Over}--------------]

Points: 1190

Heather:  -cave... Shoot...

{Ring! Ring! Ring!} ---Sorry for the cheap effects XD---

Heather: Eh? *Picks up phone, And checks ID* TheAwesomeKelkel? I'm not expecting anyone to call me at this hour. *Answers call*

Kelly-chii: { Heather!!! >o< I miss u!!!! }

Heather: Ah- Kelly-chii! How are you? ^_^

Kelly-chii: { I'm fine!!! I've heard you made a scenario book!!! ^_^ }

Heather: Yep! I made one, but I don't know what fairytale or scenario should I represent for the first chappy... T^T

Kelly-chii: { Plz make the GOM play minecraft!!! *w* }

Heather:  Okay! Anything for the first chappy! Bai! *hangs up* Yay! 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Next Day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

9:58 at the Crystal building...

Kise: Why are we here? and, Kuroko-chii why are you wearing that? *points at Kuroko's long sky-blue wig with a black flower hairclip*

Kuroko: Fear-san told me to wear this so that I will be more noticeable. *Remove le ridiculous wig*

Kise: And Midorima-chii Why are you holding that? * points at Midorima's hand, which is holding a sheathed katana .*

 (Katana is a sword.)

Midorima: It's my lucky item for the day, Oha Asa said that I should avoid making Scorpios and Sagitaurus angry, if I do this is my only protection. *pushes glasses up* Nanodayo~

Kise: O-oh... (=w=II)

Murasakibara: *munch*Where is Fea-chin?~*munch*

Kuroko: She said she's going to prepare all the "Nerve-gear" upstairs.

Kise: EHHH?! Isn't the Nerve-gear supposed to be in the Anime: Sword Art Online, not Kuroko no Basuke!?

Kuroko:I think Fear-san will put us in a game and when we die in the game we will die in real life too.

Kise: NANI!?! I can't back out now! I will end up like Aominechii~!

Heather: Eh? Kise-san, you're backing out too? *pops out behind Kise holding a Nerve-gear*

Kise: HUWAH!!! Fea-chii! You're going to kill us in a game?!?

Heather: Eh? I'm not planning to kill you guys in a game. 

Kise: hoo~ I thought we're gonna---- * Fear puts a Nerve-gear on Kise's head and turns up the 'ON' button*

Kise: I thought we're gonna... be... playing that........suicidal game.... *Falls on the floor asleep, and snores*


Heather: You too Kuro-kun, Mido-kun, Mura-kun. *Lifts up three Nerve-gears*

Kuro,Mido,Mura: ... *starts to back away slowly* ... *runs*

-------{30 minutes later...}------

Kuroko: mmm... What happened? *sits up, sees a pair of pale white block arms supporting him*

Kuroko: Eh? *Stands up* Where am I? And most Importantly... why is everything turned into cubes? * touches his head * Even my head?


Kuroko: Hmm? *turns around, Seeing a green creature with grey, white and black spotted skin with a sad face staring at Kuroko*

Creeper: SSsssSSSSsssssSSS?

Kuroko:... This is getting creepier.. *walks past the creeper*

-------------Other's Pov------------

Kise: Kuroko-chii!!! Where are you? Kuroko-chii!!!

Midorima: Baka!!! Don't shout, or else those weird thing are coming after us! *whacks Kise's head with a stick*

Kise: wahhh!!! I took 1 heart damage! Hidoii-suu! T^T

Murasakibara: My sweets... *stares at empty block hands* They're gone...

Midorima: Murasakibara, stop muttering things or else those creatures will attack us again, here eat this. *hands an apple to Murasakibara* And Be quiet!


Midorima: Shit! It's back! *runs away*

Kise:Midorima-chii wait for me T^T!!! *drags Murasakibara behind while following Midorima*

Midorima: *Bumps into something* Shit! *backs away from the thing*

???: Oi, you alright?

Midorima: Eh? *looks up* Why the heck are you here, Kagami?

Kagami:  Well, in this chapter it said "Kiseki no Sedai + Kagami: Stuck in Minecraft" Therefore I'm also stuck with you people.

Kagami: I also have a little experience in playing Minecraft, I used to play back in America. *Shows stone sword*

Midorima:! How do you make those? 

Kagami: I'll teach you later but there's a pack of Zombies chasing Kise right now *points at the scene*



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