The CAST! >w<

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Kise: Fea-chii? What's this? *shows Fear the paper*

Fear: Hmmm? Oh! It's the cast of the book, why?

Aomine: Then... EXPLAIN WHY OUR NAMES R LIKE DIS? *Blams the table*

Fear: Aomine as the blue-haired idiot. Because it's the painful truth Ahomine, The painful truth.

Kise: Still, Fea-chii! T^T Why is my name like this: Kise Ryouta as the only kinpatsu in the story!!!!

Fear: It's the truth, Ok? The truth, *goes back to reading*

Midorima: Fear, explain why my name is like this: Midorima Shintarou as Takao's Lover?

Fear: Haven't I answered that already? I ship MidoTaka more than ANYTHING! O_O

Murasakibara: Mine's The purple-haired Colossal Titan. It's better than being called Barney's descendant.

Kuroko: Mine's The Forever-Alone Phantom...  I need to change the Cast now.

Aomine: And why is Akashi's name is the only normal among all of our names?!? It's DISCRIMINATION!

Fear: Because I don't want to get killed yet.

Akashi: So you don't want to die yet?

Fear: . . . . . .  Hai.

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