Movie Night

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To this day, several years later since we met, me and Robert have been the best of friends! We're inseparable, unless he has to go star in a film.
It's strange though, I've always found him really attractive and I've always loved his films, even before I met him, but it's so surreal being his best friend. At times I have to pinch myself even all these years later. I've dealt with the paparazzi and consider myself an ace with them now, I'm used to getting mistaken for a one night fling or a possible girlfriend and although we both laugh about it, I see something change in his eyes and a same part of me wishes the mistake wasn't true, that we were together. He knows me better than anyone. But I won't be risking our friendship anytime soon to announce my like for him. I'll just stick to the flirty banter. Besides, if I told him my feelings his already large head would inflate more and we already have trouble getting it through the door. Lol.

Since we first met, we've set up little rituals. Every Tuesday afternoon I finish work early. I currently work as a secretary in a large office in central London for a tech company. When I finish work, Robert is always waiting outside for me (usually hiding in his car so the paparazzi don't spot him) and we go for sweet treat Thursday, whether this be going to our favourite bakery and getting two different types of cake, cookies or pastries. We always get two because he always orders better than I do and then I pinch his. Sneaky me lol. Or we'll find a cute ice cream shop and order a come or some pancakes or waffles. I love our sweet treats Thursday. It's a nice chance to have a weekly catch up each week.

Asides from sweet treats Thursday were always with our friends or doing something together. If one of us has a date and needs a new outfit, or help getting ready, we're the 'go to' person. Or shopping in general. Robert always spoils everyone and despite feeling guilty when he insists on buying me something, it's lovely to get to spend time with him.

There's also the countless times we've helped our friends move apartments or decorate! We shouldn't be trust with paint brushes is all I'm going to say. Actually coming to think of it we shouldn't be trusted in IKEA. Let's just say he gets a little bored looking at 50 different types of cushion or kitchen cupboard or door handle and makes the trip around the labyrinth that is IKEA a little more exciting. That usually involves jumping out of wardrobes or hitting the group with various different pieces of soft furnishings. 

And then there's the monthly group meal, whether that's going out for a meal or one of us throwing a dinner party. We always get slightly dressed up (just an excuse for us girls to get dolled up really) and it's a lovely evening out each month.
In fact, me and Robert often go for random meals out. Near enough at least once every two weeks we go out for a dinner somewhere which is lovely. It's just a shame it's only as friends.

But I can't be saying that because I do have a boyfriend. He's name is Liam and although I like him, I'm not sure where the relationship is heading. It's nice to know I'm wanted or desired by someone but I'm not sure his intentions are the best. He can be over protective and times but he means well.

Now like with all the friendly meet ups, the monthly movie night has also continued all these years!
It's always the highlight of my week when it comes around to it. Although this week everyone wants to watch horror films! Which I hate with a passion.
I'm easy enough to scare as it is, let alone when you're watching all these horrible things!
And still after all these years we all head over to Zoe's which is now Zoe's and Toby's as they've moved in together and are engaged! I'm the maid of honour but the wedding isn't going to happen for at least a year as they're saving up.
I pulled up to Zoe and Toby's apartment ready for movie night.
Everyone else is already there, waiting for me. I greet everyone before taking my usual spot on the sofa, next to Robert.
"Hello" I whisper as I kiss his cheek (we've always done this as a greeting so don't read too much into it;) )
"Hey, you ready" he asks
"Goodness gracious no!"
"Well we do beg your pardon your majesty but one must simply put up with being scared for a few hours" he jokes as I poke his shoulder.
"Meanie" I whisper as everyone laughs.
"Who in God's name picked The Conjuring!" I whisper shout
"Toby" answered Ethan
"Hey it wasn't me! It was Hannah"
"Didn't you want me to sleep tonight, or for the rest of my life Hannah?"
"Who needs sleep anyways" she joked back as we all laughed around.
Throughout the film everyone targeted me. Ethan grabbed by ankle a few times make my heart skip a beat and Toby kept throwing popcorn at my face when I least expected it make my jump.
Robert however was being really sweet, he always was actually. I was snuggled against his side, so I could hide my face in his shoulder when I knew something was going to jump out on me and he held my hand the whole time, giving me reassuring squeezes and smiles occasionally.
Zoe had always known i liked Robert and she'd often comment on the things we did that seemed a bit more than friendly. She noticed the hand holding and kept giving me these little looks throughout the night, joking around about my love for Robert, making me blush.
Ohhh please pack it in Zoe I silently plea.

A short while later there was a loud knock at the door. It was gone midnight and it terrifies me. Toby went and answered as Robert squeezed my hand.
"It's only the doorbell Sophie" he laughed, poking my ribs.
"Sofyyyyy" came the drunk Drabble of my boyfriend Liam.
I quickly extracted myself from the sofa and Robert's hand, missing the contact immediately as I went over to Liam kissing his cheek.
"Why you here huh?" He asks quite snappily, grabbing my arm.
"I told you I was going to be at Zoe and Toby's as it's movie night tonight"
"You never told me that!" He shouts
"Liam please don't shout" I shush him. I hate seeing him drunk and I hate my friends seeing him like this. It's embarrassing.
"You're coming home with me NOW" he says grabbing my arm harshly and pulling me forward.

Robert shot up instantly when Liam raised his tone as the others looked worriedly between themselves.
"Okay okay I'm coming. Just let me get my bag and I'll drive you home okay" I say rubbing my hand over his cheek to try and defuse the awkward atmosphere Liam had created.
"Sorry guys, I need to get him home. Thanks for having us again Zoe" I say as I give her a quick hug and say goodbye to the others.
I give one last look to Robert and give him a small apologetic smile before I leave into the night to tend to Liam and his drunken self.

Robert's POV
The doorbell rang and Sophie jumped, bless her. Will she ever stop being adorable. Probably not. After all, she looks stunning, her outfit just highlighted everything I loved about her and her goofy laugh after she would jump just made me smile.
As soon as I heard Liam my jaw clenched. I couldn't stand that boy.
No way was he good enough for Sophie and I have no idea what she sees in him.
Okay he isn't bad to look at I guess but he was always drunk or near enough drunk with what seemed to be no ambitions in life and he was controlling and aggressive towards Sophie.
I hated the boy with every fibre of my being.
Just seeing him grab Sophie's arm for forcibly made my blood boil. How dare he touch her (of course he can touch her. It's her boyfriend. He's probably touched a lot more than that he thought solemnly)
But having the nerve to raise his voice at her snapped something in him which made him shoot up out of his chair, reading to pounce on him. However, Ethan caught his eye and one subtle look from him stopped Robert from going any further.
Everyone looked worriedly around each other but there was nothing we could do to stop her going or help her.
As soon as she left everyone went silent. We sat awkwardly to finish the film, feeling strange without Sophie there. The group didn't feel complete without her, I didn't feel complete without her.
But she has a boyfriend and I won't come between them. I won't ruin our friendship.
As soon as the film had finished we all cleaned up really quickly and left. Liam had completely killed the mood and I hated him the more for it.

When I got home I immediately text Sophie.
"Hey Soph, just wanted to check you got home okay with Liam and that everything's alright. He seemed quite drunk. Don't hesitate to ask if you need anything, okay? X"
It felt likes hours had passed as Robert laid in bed waiting for a response.
She's probably asleep, its late. Or she's stuck looking after Liam to check he doesn't choke on his own vomit. Or he's attacked her and....BING
Robert scrambled to pick up his phone. It was her. Sophie had responded.
"Heya Downey, yes I got home safely. Thank you for asking. And I'm so sorry about his behaviour. I'm ashamed to say he was a little bit drunk but he's in bed now and should be fine, if not a little hungover tomorrow. I'm so sorry he had to ruin everyone's night tonight. And thank you for the offer. I ought to get off to bed to sleep well Robbie X"
He sighed. "A little bit drunk" my arse. I'm shocked he could stand.
"Goodnight Sophie, sleep well x"

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