Garden Party

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Hi guys,
Sorry it's taken to so long to update. This will be a 2 part chapter but here is the first part for you.
As a warning the Downey family are in this chapter however any rumours or things you have heard about them having a tough childhood and drugs and stuff isn't in this version (if that makes sense) they're just like a normal family. Well as normal as can be with famous family members. I may have added in some family members also 😁 anywayssss hope you enjoy

Two weeks later

"Sophhh" hollered Robert from his living room.

"Yes darling"

"Could you bring some snacks too"

"What's the magic wordddd"

"Pleaseeeeee my sugarplum"

"Okay, that last part is not needed, please never again" laughed Sophie as she walked back from the kitchen with a tray full of snacks and drinks, before setting them down on the coffee table and snuggling up to Robert, who was trying to decide what the pair could watch.

After back and forth bickering about what they would watch they finally settled on watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S for the billionth time.

"Ermm Soph?" came Robert's timid voice about 10 minutes later.

"Yeah Rob"

"Don't feel you have to say yes..."

Oh my god what's he going to say...why does he sound nervous

"...because I don't want you to feel pressure or anything..."

Feel pressure? Saying yes? Sounding nervous? Is he proposing??? OMGOMGOMG he's proposing isn't he! Wait he can't be surely! But what if he is..

"...but it's my mum's birthday next Friday..."

Oh. He isn't. How could I be so...

"...and well she's having this sort of garden party to celebrate and my family is going to be there and I'd love for you to finally meet them"

A few seconds of stunned silence past

"Of course if you don't want to or can't go that's totally cool, I'll understand completely..."

"I'd love to! Yes. Yes. Of course I'll go. Where is it?"

"Well that's the other thing...they all still live in America so it would mean heading back over. They're currently staying in California so we'll be heading there"

"OMG yes! It's about time I saw some sun" Sophie laughed. The weather hadn't been the best over here recently but that's English weather for you.

"Great, because I've already booked your ticket. We leave next Wednesday so we'll get there late Thursday."

It was travel day and Sophie had stayed around Robert's house that night to make travelling easier. The pair woke up in the ridiculously early hours of the morning to make sure they got to the airport on time and were finally sat in first class, ready for take-off.

Sophie wasn't in the best of mood. Although she was excited to be going to America and meeting Robert's family she was also nervous. Nervous for meeting his family and nervous for the flight. Sure she had been on planes before but she always got anxious during take-off, landing and any turbulence. She'd seen too many disaster films and plane crash documentaries. Boy was she regretting watching those now. A whole 11 hours or more trapped on a plane with the smallest possibility of death. 

As the engine began to rumble and they began to speed off down the runway, Sophie's hand clenched Robert's harder and she stared in front of her trying to keep calm.

"Hey, Soph, babe, Soph you alright"

She could only nod.

Robert stroked his thumb along her hand whilst he looked at her with worry, upset to see her in such distress. As soon as take-off was over and they were in the air, Sophie calmed down completely and was fine. She explained to Robert that sometimes she gets nervous when flying but she's fine most of the time. Take-off is just always a bit nerve-wracking. He was understanding and the pair began to joke about it as the cuddle up, well as much as you can on a plane, before Robert started to suggest they joined the mile high club. Sophie refused, worried they'd get caught and worst of all, worried they'd be discovered in such a position if the plane were to crush and they were found amongst the wreckage. Lol

After what was a very long journey, complete with dodgy plane food the pair finally touched down in sunny California.

The next day was Robert's mum's birthday and he was rather excited to see them as it had been a while since he had last seen his family.

They went over late afternoon and Sophie was nervous as they stood on the front porch.

"what if they don't like me"

"That's not possible babe, everyone loves you"

The door swung open and it was Robert's sister Allyson.

"Heya Bobby" she smiled as the pair hugged.

"Hey, this is my girlfriend Sophie"

"Nice to meet you Sophie, they're all in the garden Bob"

Grabbing Sophie's hand he pulled her through the house to the garden where everyone was sat on the fancy looking patio furniture.


"Hi mum, happy birthday"

"Uncle Bobby!"

"Hello you two!"

"Everyone, this is my girlfriend Sophie, Sophie this is my mum Elsie, dad Robert, you've met Allyson, her husband Mike and their kids Toby and Bella" said Robert pointing at everyone in turn.

"It's lovely to meet you all. Happy birthday Mrs Downey"

"Ohhh you Brits and your manners, please call my Elsie. And Thank you, it's nice for Robert to finally bring a girl home"

"Well I'm not lying am I, since when have you brought a girl home"

"Uncle Bobby never brings any girls over here" said Toby pulling on Sophie's arm. She knelt down to his height where Toby proceeded to tell her that he was 7 and liked baseball and that Bella was 12 but she's always grumpy. Sophie did think it was rather adorable as Toby took her hand and was showing her all the cool spots of the garden, like the pool and the best place to jump in. Robert looked on as he sat catching up with his parents at the patio table.

"She seems lovely Robert"

"She is"

"Why did you bring her here then? You never bring any girls over" questioned his dad.

"Well, I wanted her to meet you and for you to meet her. I think...she's the one"

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