Embarrassing Stories and Old Photos

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  Hello all,

Just a warning that this chapter is a bit sadder than I usually make them, but I hope you enjoy the update anyway.

Don't forget to vote and comment! I love reading all your thoughts!!

It was about 9 the next morning when Robert slowly awoke from his sleep to the faint sounds coming from the kitchen and the waft of bacon. Looking down at the sleeping beauty in his arms he couldn't help but smile, she was looked so peaceful when she slept.

Lightly he began to kiss the top off her head and temple, slowly arousing her from sleep, where she gave him a sleepy smile as she buried her head further into his chest.

Robert let out a low chuckle as he leisurely stroked up and down her back.

"We ought to get up and help Aunty Pam with breakfast"

"Ohh I'm sure she's alright" Robert crooned suggestively in her ear as he rolled her onto his back and proceeded to kiss her thoroughly awake, much to the delightful squeal of Sophie.

"Mr Downey, my my"

"Well I usually find a certain activity helps us both to wake up, it would be awfully rude to be sleepy when we're the guests in a house" he smirked, putting on a posh English accent.

"Well Mr Downey, if I remind correctly you stopped my advances last night because you made a certain promise involving a snake and his cage...and it's 'awfully rude' to break a promise...don't you agree" she retorted as she gently placed her hand on his chest as he brushed the hair that had fallen in front of her face behind her ear.

"Well, you seem to have a good argument Miss Williams, but I never lose"

"Well you ought to start getting used to it...come on" Sophie chuckled as she pushed Robert off of her and began to get ready for the day.

A few minutes later Robert and Sophie emerged from the bedroom and headed towards the kitchen.

Aunty Pam had begun to make bacon butties (sandwiches) for breakfast as Uncle Terry sat reading the newspaper at the dining table.

"Morning" Sophie chirped as she went and kissed Uncle Terry's cheek and to help Aunty Pam.

Robert politely smiled at Aunty Pam and Uncle Terry as he gave Robert a look to say 'the snake better have behaved' which caused him to blush slightly. He sat at the dining table.

"Good morning you two, I hope you slept well. I was just going to bring you breakfast in bed"

"Oh we slept great, thank you for having us again" replied Robert

Aunty Pam served up breakfast, which everyone ate quite quickly. Clearly rather hungry from last night's dancing.

After breakfast everyone went to the living room where Aunty Pam and Uncle Terry began to embarrass Sophie by telling Robert stories about when she was little.

"Oh not that story! Please!" Sophie said as she snuggled into Robert's side on the sofa.

"Oh I've got to hear this now" Robert laughed

"Well, when Sophie was about 13 we had a family party...I think it was for Chris's birthday" began Uncle Terry

"And there were some friend's of the family who had brought a boy about Sophie's age" continued Aunty Pam

"Sophie spent all night talking and dancing to this boy"

"Edward so getting rather touchy by it, wasn't he Terry"

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