Hannah's Birthday

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A week later and it was Hannah's birthday. And as with every birthday the group all meet up either on the day or near it to celebrate.
Hannah didn't have a very good relationship with her family so we always met up on her birthday and went the extra mile to make the day special.
Tonight we were going for a meal at some Thai place, which was a slight problem as I don't like Thai food, but I was going to suck it up and be polite (because that's what us Brits do) and go where Hannah wanted to spend her birthday.

Robert had been quite busy recently with work and meetings for a possible new film and to make matters worse he present he had ordered online hasn't arrived yet! So in a panic he text Sophie to ask if on her lunch break from work she could help him buy a replacement present.
At exactly 12 Sophie left the office and ran to the shopping centre Robert said he'd meet her at.
"Omg thank you thank you thank you" he said as he took her in his arms to hug her and kissed her cheek hello.
"Where are we looking first"
"I have no idea! What did you get her?" He asked
"I saw a top I thought she'd like and got her that"Sophie responded. "What had you ordered?"
"It was some art set, she mentioned a while back she wanted to get back into drawing and painting but didn't have any of the supplies or much time so I figured if I got her the supplies she only needed to find the time" he said running a hand through his hair 
" that's so thoughtful of you! Here follow me" Sophie said as she grabbed his hand and frog marched him out onto the busy streets of London and towards a lesser known area. They walked for 7 minutes as Sophie led them down some small alley ways just off from the main streets.
"Where are you taking me, the shops are that way"
"Tah dahhhhh" Sophie stepped aside so Robert could see the smallest of arts and crafts shops in the world. This tiny little shop would've been missed so easily by everyone else but Sophie somehow knew about it...his saviour.
"How on earth did you know about this little place" enquired Robert as he made his way in quickly to browse the products for sale.
"Hannah found it once when she was desperately looking for some supplies for some coursework she had to make. I think she's forgotten about it as it's not really near much"
"It's perfect"
Robert quickly found similar items to the ones he'd ordered online so brought those.
The two made a slow wonder back towards Sophie's office as her lunch break was nearly up.
"Thank you again Sophie, I don't know what I would've done"
"Ohhh it's alright. Of course I would've helped although it would've been rather funny to watch you panic" she nudged him making them two laugh.
"How are you going to cope tonight...it's Thai food"
"Well I'll put on a brave face and eat something I guess" how did he remember I don't like Thai?!
Before long they arrived back at the office and Sophie had to go back in. All that was left was dinner tonight.

Liam had been invited tonight. Everyone wanted to get to know him better in the hopes of liking him more than they already did or didn't. But Sophie was nervous. Although Liam was sober he wasn't always the most polite and he says exactly what he thinks, he's very honest.
Everyone had met up outside, wishing Hannah a happy birthday, giving her the gifts before taking their seats. It was a round table where Sophie sat between Liam and Robert.
So far everything was going smoothly and Liam was behaving. They were just waiting for their sharing platter of starters to come out when Robert gently touched Sophie's knee to get her attention.
The contact made her jump and her skin was piping hot. The man had so much of an affect on her and they were only friends.
"Here, take this" he whispered as he pushed some chocolate bars and a packet of crisps into her lap
Sophie looked up at him with tears in her eyes, he was just too thoughtful and lovely sometimes.
"Thank you" she squeezed his hand before he slide it back to the top of the table whilst Sophie subtly put the food in her bag. She could smuggle it into the toilets if worst came to worst.

The starters weren't as bad as Sophie had feared and soon the mains came out. she went straight for the rice as that was the only thing she actually liked. However, Liam had begun to drink quite heavily throughout the starters and she worried he'd begin to make a scene.
"Sophie I thought we spoke about you watching you're weight" announced Liam.
Zoe looked in shock at Sophie who looked down ashamedly whilst Robert's jaw clenched once again, his jawline could cut glass and he glared at Liam.
"Sophie doesn't need to watch her weight" defended Hannah
"There's nothing of her" said Ethan
"Well eating just rice isn't good for you when she's meant to be cutting out carbs"
"Liam can we not discuss this here please. It was just one helping of rice. I won't eat  anymore"
If looks could kill, Robert would've put Liam 6 foot under in no time. A few minutes later and another glass of alcohol drunk Liam was beginning to get loud.
"Why don't you try this?" Liam said grabbing a huge serving of some nut and veg dish and plopping it on Sophie's plate
"Liam I"
"No Sophie, eat your damn dinner"
"She doesn't like nuts, which is nearly all that's in that" said Robert lowly as he pointed at what Liam was trying to force Sophie to eat.
Liam was oblivious to the looks everyone was giving him. Zoe looked like she wanted to cry as she looked at Sophie and Robert looked like he could kill anyone that even looked his way.
"Sophie" Liam said it a pointed tone, not to be messed with as Sophie looked down ashamedly at her plate and slowly forced herself to eat what Liam was forcing her too.
Sophie refused to eat anything else the rest of the night for fear that Liam would cause more of a scene than he already had. She was ashamed of his behaviour and ashamed at herself for following his orders like some small child would follow their parent.

The rest of the meal passed by in a blur and as everyone left, Sophie quietly apologised on Liam's behalf.
Robert was stood by the road trying to hail a taxi when Sophie went over.
"Thank you for the secret food" she whispered.
"It was the least I could do as I know you don't like Thai"
They stood in an awkward silence.
"Please tell me you don't think you're over weight"
"Don't try and play dumb Sophie! Why do you let him control you like that? You're not a child who needs to be told what she can and can't eat. You're a grown woman"
"He's just trying to look after me Robert" she said trying to think of anything that could possibly justify his actions.
"No Sophie, if he really loved you, he wouldn't force you to do anything or stop you from doing something. What do you see in him"
"Come on Sophie you must know why you've stuck with such a ..."
"Sophie we're leaving" shouted Liam.
Sophie and Robert stared at each other in silence trying so hard to figure out exactly what the other was thinking but before long Liam had grabbed her hand forcibly and she was dragged away from her friends whilst Liam began to lecture her on her weight and how she needed to loose some.
Sophie was confused. Why was Robert acting like this? Why was Liam the way he was?
All she wanted to do was cry.

Ohhhhhhhhh what's Robert going to do??? Is he going to be the hero or is he going to stick to the friend zone???

As always please remember to comment and vote.
Love you guys xxx

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