The First Reunion

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Five years ago...
Emily walked out of the BAU with tears streaming down her face. She couldn't stand to be in that building anymore, let alone look her teammates in the eye after they find out what she had done.
No, Prentiss knew she had to get away. It was a matter of time before her team realized who she really was and what she did for a stupid profile.
Doyle was out there waiting for her, and instead of staying held up at the BAU, she decided on bringing the fight to him. However, there was one thing she needed to take care of first.

Emily made her way out to her car and started driving. She whipped out an old cell phone and called one number.
"Clyde," Prentiss sighed.
"Emily, where are you?" the British man asked.
"I'm going to Boston to track down Doyle, but I need to do something first, and I need your help," she said to him seriously.
"Anything," he replied.
"Where's Sophia?" Prentiss wanted to know.
"No, I want to see my daughter before it's too late. I don't know what's going to happen with Doyle, but I need to see her and know that she's okay," the woman told him fiercely.
"Emily I don't think-"
"Clyde tell me where Sophia is this instant or I swear to God I will hunt you down and-"
"Fine, I'll come pick you up and we'll take my jet," he told her.
"Thank you," Emily said and sighed.

An hour later, Prentiss was on the plane with her old boss and friend.
"Are you sure you're ready to see her?" Clyde asked carefully.
"It's been five years. I miss her more and more everyday," she explained.
"Yeah I feel bad for-"
"Save it," she snapped at him.
He was one of the reasons she had to let her baby go, and for that, she hated him. Eventually Emily made peace with her decision but it never lessened the pain or feeling of loss when she thought about her child.
The rest of the plane ride to Chicago, Illinois was silent. When they got there, Clyde had a car waiting and drove Emily to their destination.
"Sophia is at the library right now with her foster family," he told the mother.
"And how do you know this again?" she wondered.
"I've always kept an eye on the mini Emily for you. I know when she changes families and her routines."
"That's kind of creepy," Prentiss pointed out.
"Hey, it came in handy, didn't it?"
She nodded.
Clyde looked over and saw Emily looking at Sophia's baby picture in her wallet. It was of the girl after her second birthday party.
She was sitting on Emily's lap smiling up at her mommy, who was doing the same to her.
Clyde heard her sniffle, and he said,
"We're here."
Emily looked out the window and found herself in front of a a big public library. How was she going to find her daughter in there.
"Emily, I don't have a picture of Sophia to show you what she looks like now, but I'll come in with you."
"You know what she looks like?" Prentiss wanted to know and she turned her head.
"Yeah, I've seen pictures."
Prentiss just shook her head and got out of the car.
Her and Clyde entered the library to find it pretty crowded.
They continued walking down all the isles and just when Emily started to lose hope, she saw her.

Up on her tippy-toes reaching for a book was a cute little girl about four feet tall with dark wavy hair.
"It's her, isn't it?" Emily asked looking at the little one that was struggling to reach the book.
"Yes," Clyde said.
Right when he spoke, Emily started moving.
"Emily don't-"
"Do you need help getting a book?" Prentiss asked the child softly as she approached her.
Sophia nodded and pointed up.
"Which book?" Emily asked.
"The Boxcar Children," the kid said back.
"There are a few different ones which one do you want?"
Sophia scrunched up her face and took a moment to think. Emily thought she looked absolutely adorable. Then, Sophia ran her tongue over her bottom lip and said,
"Can you pick me up so I can choose the book?"
"Of course," Prentiss said and bent down to get the girl. Clyde watched as Emily helped her daughter pick out three books.
"Thank you Miss-" Sophia didn't know what to say.
"You can call me Emily," the older brunette said with a smile.
"I'm Sophia," the child said back and formally held out her hand for Prentiss to shake.
"Oh, well, it's very nice to meet you," the agent said seriously.
Sophia smiled at her and right away, Emily's heart started to race.
That smile.
It wasn't hers, no. It was his.
The child's father's.
The most subtle yet charming smile and seeing it on her daughter made her heart ache.
"Do you want to come read with me?" Sophia asked hopefully.
"Sure," Emily said.
Sophia took the woman's hand and led her away. Prentiss thought it was strange that her kid was so trustful being as she just "met" her a minute ago.
Sophia walked to the back corner and Clyde followed. He took a seat next to Emily and Sophia, but pretended to read a book himself.
After five minutes of silent reading time, Prentiss noticed the small child staring at her.
"Yes?" Emily asked.
"You have the same eyes as me," the girl chirped innocently.
Emily raised an eyebrow.
"All of my brothers and sisters have blue eyes, but I have black eyes."
Prentiss laughed at that statement.
Indeed, her daughter had inherited her dark chocolate eye color.
"Well, I think your eyes are beautiful," Emily told her.
Again, Sophia shot her a smile and then asked,
"Can you read to me, I'm getting tired."
"Sweetheart, can I just ask, where are your parents?"
"Umm I don't have a mommy or daddy, but I've been living with Bill and Cara for a few weeks and they're pretty nice."
"Where are they?"
"Cara dropped us off at four and Billy picks us up at five thirty," Sophia said.
"So you and your siblings stay her everyday?"
"Only during the week so they can read and do homework," Sophia said.
Emily nodded.
She glanced at her watch and realized it was almost five.
"How come you are all alone and not with the other kids?" Prentiss asked.
"Because they don't like me," the girl told her.
"Why?" Emily asked with a sad look.
"Because I'm not part of their real family," Sophia told her with a sad look.
"Sweetheart, that's not true."
"Yes it is. They tell me that all the time."
"That's not very nice of them," the older brunette pointed out.
Sophia just shrugged, but Emily could tell the little girl didn't like that topic.
"So can you read to me now?" the kid asked.
Emily nodded and Sophia started climbing on her lap.
"Which one?" Emily asked.
The girl pointed to the first ever Boxcar Children one.
As Emily started reading, Sophia curled up on her lap and when it hit five fifteen, she was almost out on Emily. While the older woman held the book in one hand, she rubbed her child's back with the other which really calmed Sophia down.
Prentiss stopped reading when she realized her daughter was almost asleep on her.
Sophia turned into Emily's chest and rested her head on her.
"I wish you were my mommy," she whispered quietly and half asleep, but you bet your ass Emily heard her.
Prentiss put the book down and wrapped her arms around her baby girl. Sophia was fast asleep.
Emily closed her eyes and held on to her, not wanting to ever let go again.
"Em," Clyde said to her.
Prentiss looked up with tears in her eyes, then she heard it.
People were calling Sophia's name.
"We should go," he said softly.
Prentiss nodded and gave Sophia a sweet motherly kiss to her head before carefully setting her back down in the chair.
With one last look, she and Clyde slipped or of the library and back to the car.

The child woke up to the sound of her foster dad shaking her.
"Sweetie, it's time to go," he told her.
"Where's Emily?" Sophia asked, confused.
"The nice lady that read me the book," Sophia said.
"Sophia, you were back here all alone. No one else was here," Bill told her.
Sophia was confused.
Bill could tell she was still a little groggy from just waking up, so he carried her out. As they walked back to the car, Sophia caught a glimpse of Emily. Prentiss saw her too and she waved to her with a smile. Sophia waved back with a sweet smile as well.
"What do you think of her?" Clyde asked.
"She is the most adorable little girl I've ever seen, and that's not just because she's my daughter," Emily said.
"Are you happy you came?" he asked.
"Yeah, I just wish I could run away and take her swith me," Prentiss said with a light laugh, but she really meant it.
"She's a mini you isn't she?" Clyde wondered.
"Yeah, but she's got his smile," Emily told him and that wiped he grin off of her face as well as his.
"You'll get her back, Emily."
"I just hope he never finds out about her," she said lowly.
"He won't," Clyde promised then drove away.

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