The Whole Story

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Morgan was the first to speak.
"I'm sorry, it sounded like Emily just said she was Sophia's biological mother," he said in a confused tone.
"She did," Penelope told him.
"Wait so Emily's actually Sophia's birth mom?" Reid asked.
Rossi and the two blondes nodded.
"Wait, you guys knew?" Derek asked.
Again they nodded shamefully.
"How could you not tell us?" he questioned.
"Emily didn't want everyone to know yet," Garcia tried to explain.
"Does Sophia know?" Reid asked.
"No," JJ replied.
"You have to tell her," the genius stated.
"She deserves to know who her mother is," he added.
"I agree, but it's up to Emily, and right now, she doesn't want to tell Sophia," JJ said.
"No, don't you see? Emily wasn't ever planning on telling Sophia. She's going back to London tomorrow and she's leaving her daughter once again," Morgan said and he sounded a little pissed off.
The room went silent as they all took in what Derek had just pointed out.
"You're not going to tell her are you?" JJ asked, with a worried look.
"I don't know. Sophia has a right to know who her mother is and -"
"And it's not your place to tell her. It's Emily's decision and the least we can do is respect that," Hotch interrupted.
"Hotch, she left her two year old at a park and ran off," Morgan said.
"I'm sure Emily had her reasons," Aaron replied.
"You're taking her side?" Derek wanted to know.
"There's no sides. I'm just saying we shouldn't jump to conclusion and be quick to judge without hearing the whole story."
Derek just sighed and then stood up.
"I need to get some air," he said and walked out. Penelope followed him.

"Morgan took that harder than I thought," JJ said to Rossi.
"I'm not surprised," Dave replied.
"Why's that?" JJ asked.
"Derek sees Sophia as someone he needs to protect. He sees her as a niece I guess. Even though Emily's one of his best friends, this whole situation brought the over protective dad out of him," Rossi explained.
"I guess you're right," the blonde sighed. The she looked over at Reid.
"What about you? Do you hate Emily now too?"
"Of course not. Like Hotch said, we don't know the whole story."

A little while later, Emily returned. She had a juice box in one hand and a bag of cookies in the other. After giving the amount of blood she gave, the hospital gave her something to eat and drink. She took a seat next to JJ and stayed silent. She ate her cookies and drank her juice quickly. When she looked around, she noticed Morgan and Garcia were gone.
"Where's Derek?" she asked quietly. Right when she asked, he walked back in. He looked pissed off and a little angry. Emily looked up to see him walking right at her.
"Morgan I-" she started to say.
"Save it," he said coldly and took the seat farthest from her.
Emily dreaded the moment her team would find out what she had done. They all say in silence until the doctor walked out.

"Jennifer Jareau?" a doctor called.
Every looked up and JJ got up.
"I'm Jennifer," she said.
"Hi, I'm Dr. Johnson. I just wanted to say that Sophia is expected to make a full recovery and she's responding very well to the medication and blood that Ms. Prentiss donated."
Literally everyone sighed.
"Can I see her?"
"Yeah, she should be waking up any minute. I wouldn't suggest you all go in though, it might overwhelm her," the doctor recommended.
With that, JJ sent everyone home except for Emily.

The two made their way to Sophia's room and when they got there, the kid was just waking up.
JJ rushed to her side, and Emily stayed a safe distance away.
"You nearly gave me a heart attack," JJ said as she kissed the child's head.
Sophia just smiled sleepily and asked,
"What happened?"
"You were hit by a drunk driver," Emily said as she took a seat on the other side of Sophia's bed.
"Emily?" the girl asked.
"Hey, Soph," Prentiss said.
"You're going to miss your flight if you don't pack and-"
"I'll reschedule my flight. I didn't want to leave like this," Emily told her softly.
"So I guess something good came out of me getting hit by a car then," Sophia said jokingly.
"Well, your sense of humor is still in tac so I think we'll be just fine," JJ said with a grin.
Sophia smile and then locked eyes with Emily. Then her eyes wondered down to the women's rolled up sleeve.
"What's that?" she asked curiously.
"I gave blood today," Prentiss replied.
"You didn't have that on at dinner," Sophia pointed out.
"I did not," Emily concurred.
Sophia was confused so she just decided to drop the conversation.
JJ changed the topic of conversation and asked how the girl felt. Sophia had surgery on her shoulder but it was completely numb, so she didn't feel too much pain, she was just tired. She lost a lot of blood and she was on a lot of medication. Right before Sophia fell asleep, a doctor walked in to check on her and talk to JJ. Sophia's eyes were closed so she appeared to be asleep, but really she was just resting and trying to fall asleep. Once the doctor started talking, she decided to just pretend she was asleep and listen.
The doctor talked to JJ about Sophia's treatments and how he wanted to keep an eye on her to see how she was responding to the new blood in her system.
"I'll come back to check on her in the morning. You two should get some sleep. Especially you, Emily. How do you feel? Light headed or anything?"
"No, I feel fine," she said with a tired smile.
"Good thing you were here because if you weren't she'd be dead right now due to blood loss. You saved her life," the doctor told Emily.
She gave him a sheepish look and said,
"I'm glad I could help."
"Okay well if you need anything let me know."
"Thanks," the brunette said and smiled.
Once the doctor was gone, it was just Emily and JJ. They spent nearly thirty minutes in silence and during that time, Sophia fell fast asleep. It was quiet for a while then JJ broke the silence by saying,
"Listen, I'm sorry I flipped out on you before-"
"No, I deserved it," Emily cut her off.
"No you didn't. I didn't listen to the whole story and I jumped to conclusion...and I'm sorry."
Emily looked up and over into her friends soft blue eyes.
"I didn't give you a chance to explain last time so why don't you tell me what happened," JJ offered.
"The whole story is so complicated and messy I don't even know where to begin."
"How about the beginning. Who's Sophia's father?" JJ wanted to know.
Emily closed her eyes and cringed at that phrase.
The man that got her pregnant was hardly a father. However, he did do a fair job protecting his son previously.
Prentiss sighed and then said,
"Just so you know, Sophia was...unplanned. I wasn't trying to get pregnant and it just happened," Emily said, trying not to use the word mistake when referencing her daughter.
"Was it a one night stand? Do I know the guy?" JJ wondered.
Emily shook her head.
"It wasn't a one night stand. I'm actually not sure when exactly it happened, and yeah you know the guy," Prentiss said, trying to draw out the time it took until JJ figured it out.
"You don't know when your daughter was conceived? My god Emily, this must've been one serious boyfriend of yours," JJ said, still oblivious to the obvious choice.
JJ knew Emily didn't have any serious boyfriends in the past and she didn't really know about Emily's past except for her undercover work. And right when she started thinking like that, she figured it out.
Emily watched as he realization came over her.
"Sophia turns thirteen next month-"
"Actually she turned thirteen yesterday," Emily informed her, being it was one in the morning.
"Okay so Sophia's thirteen and thirteen years ago you were working for Interpol and-"
Suddenly JJ stopped talking and covered her mouth in shock.
"Ian Doyle got you pregnant, didn't he?" JJ asked.
Emily didn't answer right away.
In fact, she completely froze.
She hated hearing his name and every time she was reminded that he knocked her up, she felt awful.
"Em?" JJ asked.
The brunette's eyes darted to Sophia then to JJ.
"Yeah, she's Doyle's," Emily replied looking back down at Sophia.
"Oh my god," the blonde whispered to herself. Suddenly everything became clear to her.
"Why didn't you tell us before?"
"Because the less people knew about her, the safer she was," Emily told her.
JJ was in shock.
"He didn't rape you, did he?" the blonde asked.
Emily shook her head.
"No it wasn't like that. While I was undercover, we got really close and -"
"Made a baby," JJ finished her sentence.
"Yeah," Emily said full of shame.
JJ sighed.
There was a moment of silence then Prentiss asked,
"What are you thinking about right now?"
JJ looked up at her friend.
"Honestly I don't know," the blonde replied.
"Are you mad?" Emily wanted to know.
JJ shook her head.
"No, I'm not mad. Just shocked and a little confused," she admitted.
"So was I," Prentiss commented.
"So what happened when you found out you were pregnant? How did you find out?" JJ asked.
"When I found out, I called Clyde and told him he needed to wrap the case up and that I needed to go home. After, we moved to the States we went to Chicago Illinois so I could lay low for a while. After I had Sophia she stayed with me until she was two, because then word got out that some of Ian's crew escaped prison and that they found out I was undercover," Prentiss told her.
"Did Ian know you were pregnant?" Jennifer wondered.
"I didn't think he did, but five years ago when the whole Doyle thing happened, he told me that he found my pregnancy test in the garbage before he was arrested."
"And how did he feel?"
"Well, I told him I had an abortion and he didn't take it very well," Emily explained.
"I'm sorry for the way I treated you. I didn't know you went through all of that. Ugh, I feel terrible," JJ apologized.
Emily gave her a small smile and said, "Don't worry about it. It's fine."
"So, do you plan on telling Sophia who you are?" JJ asked.
"I don't know. I mean I feel like I should. She deserves to know what actually happened when I left her at the park. But then again, she's finally happy and stable now, and I feel like if I tell who I really am thats going to mess everything."
"Or she's going to forgive you and you'll get your daughter back."
"JJ, I can't," Prentiss tried to say.
"You can't what? Sophia really likes and I think of you tell her the whole story, she begin to see you in a different way-"
"No. I can't screw her life up even more than I already did. I'm not cut out to be her mother. I just can't be there for her...but you can. She already sees you as a mom and I feel like this could just confuse her even more."
"Emily, your daughter needs you. Please, just stay and tell her the real story and show her that her mother isn't just someone that abandoned her."
"I can't-"
"Why?" JJ demanded to know.
"Because I'm scared," Emily told her.
"Of what?"
"Her hating me for the rest of her life."
"That won't happen," the blonde tried to tell her friend.
"You don't know that," Prentiss stated.
"No, but I know Sophia, and I promise you, she won't hate you for the rest of her life."
Emily just sighed and looked down at her sleeping daughter.
"I wish I never left her," she said softly.
JJ didn't say anything.
"Or I wish she was a baby again and I could start over. I feel like I lost so much time with her," Emily said aloud.
"Exactly, so don't leave, because if you do, you'll lose more valuable time with her, and you'll regret it."

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