Chapter 2

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I walk over to Scott's house. It's large and fancy. I ring the door bell. A lady come in.

"May I help you?" She asks, her voice high

"I'm here to work on a project with Scott "

"Ah yes come in!" I stand I'm the entrance. It's tall with a large chandelier hanging down the middle. "Scott a friend is here!" He comes down the dress in a different outfit, tight clack jeans and a raggy shirt.

"Hey Mitch come on up" he starts heading up

"Hey don't I get a goodbye?" His mom says along with his dad.

"bye guys" they smile and walk out with 2 people carrying their bags. I follow Scott up the stairs looking at the house. It was so fancy. I had never living in this fancy if a house. He noticed me.

"Enjoying the view?" I snap back into focus.

"Sorry." I say he chuckles and we continue. We get to a room. It has a table with all the stuff working on it. We begin to work on he project. The silence could've been cut with a knife. We finish around 4 I look at my phone

Mom- hey sweetie I'm gonna be gone for the week. Take care!

I sigh. Another one of her trips what I didn't notice was Scott right behind me.

"What's wrong?" I jolt up looking behind me. Scott stands there with a puzzled look

"Oh nothing, I just have to go."

"here I'll drive you."

"Oh no it's fi-"

"No really, I got it" we drive to my house. He looks around "I can understand now why you looked at my house like it was wonderland" I walk up and notice a note on my door it's from frank looking for my mom. I crumple up the paper. Scott follows me inside. I slip my shoes off and toss my backpack to the side

"I thought you said you had a flood" I forgot Scott had followed me in.

"Oh they must've fixed it" he comes close to me

"Mitch what is this about" he was close. He puts a hand on my shoulder. he acted very different outside of school.

"I said nothing." He grabs my wrists. He looked down, I try to pull away but he's to strong, he pulls them up and sees cuts and bruises. He looks at me. I tear up and rub my neck. I walk away into the bathroom to grab a towel. Scott comes after me.

"Mitch" I put my hands on the sink and look down.

"Please don't ask" I murrmur. He comes close. Tears well up in my eyes, he brushes them away. I look up at him. He immedietly hugs me and I do the same. His body calming me.

"thankyou" I say quietly into his chest

"anytime." he replies, he strokes me hair then rests his arm on my neck. We smile then walk into the living room to watch some televison. 

"we have to agree not to tell each others secrets" I say

"agreed" he looks at me and smiles. "Sorry I have to be a butt to you at school, but outside of school we're friends." I smile. He was a good friend. at 7 he heads home and I settle in for the night. He texts me later that night

Scott- you sure your ok?

Me-yeah thanks, wanna hang out on friday


Me-lol, ok, slumber party it is.

I smile and drift off to sleep. Now the stars were aligning. I was happy/ for the first time in awhile. 

I actually smiled

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