Chapter 8

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(Scott's P.O.V)


"dammit" i say sitting up and smacking my alarm clock. I get up and immediately realize, today's the day.

The day I tell my friends goodbye.

I was so not ready for this. But i could snap their necks in an instant so they know not to mess with me, I look at my phone

M-hey! ready for today?

S-kinda. Really nervous

M- I'll be right by ur side babe *kiss emoji*

S-love you *kiss emoji*

I start to get dressed and make myself a bagel. I rush down to hop in my car. I drive by Mitch's house and him and Kirstie are waiting as I told them, they file in. I couldn't even ask for better friends. They were gonna help me through the biggest bullies in the school. Even though I was one of them. I couldn't ask for better. We pull up into the parking lot and walk in. The guys not there yet, We all talk and laugh, people staring and smiling seeing that I changed. Then they came in

"Hey dweeb" they push Mitch to the ground

"dud I was talking to him" he flips around and sees me

"Scott? what the hell?"

"I'm not hiding who I am and I'm tired of hurting people. You cant make me" he gives me a puzzled look

"you've changed...."

"No, I hid who I was, I don't care anymore. You know what? I'm in choir, and I actually DO get good grades, and I'm dating the best guy in the entire world"

I grab Mitch's hand. People awe as I notice there was a circle surround us

"and I have the best friends i could ever ask for" I look at Mitch and Kirstie and they smile at me

"fine, your out, later Scott" they walk away and Kirstie and Mitch hug me tightly. We won

(mitch's P.O.V)

The rest of the day went fairly simple. None of the guys bothering us, people congratulating us and saying hi to Scott. at the end of the day Scott dropped us back off and I went inside

"hey sweetie! how did it go?"

"great!" I fall next to her

"I'm gonna have to meet this boy soon" i smile

"You will eventually, I promise" she smiles and we continue our day

*night time*

I climb up into my bed and lay down pulling out my phone and listening to Faces (proxy remix) when Scott texts me

S- thank you for today

M- No problem bae, I'll always be there for you

S-love you

M-love u 2

S- night

M-night :)

The conversation ends, I sit there looking at the ceiling hoping my life could just be like this and telling god to make my shit happy and keep it that way before finally drifting off to sleep

When your 16...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें