Chapter 13

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We all graduated. Afterwards we all went out for dinner late at night. Telling our parents we'd see them in the morning. All of our bags were packed in our cars. We were ready to leave arlington. We all pile into my car, I sit up front with Scott, and Kev, Avi and Kirstie in the back. We all saved up a bunch of money since we started singing on youtube aswell. We make it past the county line, then the Texas line, soon towards daybreak we're somewhat close to Cali. Auditions were in 5 days so we constantly practiced

"I think we might win this guys!" Kevin says

"hopefully" Avi says

Within the next 5 hours we're in Cali. Driving up to a big apartment complex Avi had called the day before. Him and Kevin walk up and get the keys. We all go into the apartment. 3 bedroom 3 bath. Scott and I would share, Kev and Avi would share and Kirstie would have her own. We didnt have any furniture or anything

"Okay, Avi and I will take care of the rent papers" Kevin says

"I'll go grociery shopping!" Scott says

"Furniture shopping?" I turn towards Kirstie

"Sweet!" she says

Kirstie and I walk down towards a furniture store with the money we have. We buy our beds, night stands and chairs along with couches, tables and more, all under budget! who knew we were so thrifty! The last thing we pick up it a long 3 seat yello sofa. We drive back with the haul and load everything into the apartment. Setting the beds in each room and the furniture and such. It was actually functional now. Decorations could come later. But Then I saw Scott come in with not only grocieries, but room stuff too.

"Surprise!" he says

He got all of us bedspreads, little things here and there, comfy chairs and more. I help him put it all in place and put the food away just in time for Avi and Kevin to come home to the improved Pentatonix household.

"Holy Crap!" Kevin says

"This is Amazing!" Avi says in awe

"But theres one more thing" Kirstie says smirking

"What do you have planned Kirst?" I say

"Well see that wall over there" She says pointing to a bare wall in the living room

"Yeah...what about it?"

"Well...I made this poster since were a group now..."

She pulls out a long poster with 'Pentatonix" on it and keyboard design. All beautifully done and crafted.

"Oh my gosh!" We all say.

The final touch on the house. We pin it up and finally sit down. We werent getting cable since that would be a bit much money. Soon our instruments showed up that we mailed previously. My keyboard, Kirstie's keyboard, and Kevins Chello

We finally had a home.

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