Chapter 3

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Scott and I were now pretty good friends. He was awesome. Although in school he had to be a butt. His friends were worse. That Thursday in particular was the worst day ever. Before choir I had to use the bathroom I go in do my business but when I walk out Scott's friends stand there,Alex, Mark, Jake and Austin, but not Scott.

"Aye it's the little dweeb." Mark picks me up by my collar and pins me against the stalls. "Why you here all alone Mitch. It's dangerous out here" he throws me to the floor. They all laugh.

"Why don't we teach him not to come in here alone" Jake remarks. They all nod. Austin picks me up and throws me to the wall, my head hitting the wall hard. Alex stands at the head.

"Get him boys" they all race after me one pinning me against the wall, they all hit me. I feel the pain racing through my skin. I cry out but Austin puts socks in my mouth. Mark picks me up and bangs my head on the sink, pain gushing through my head. I falls down. They kick me and then leave. I sit there in pain. I hear footsteps. I see it's Mr.Marshal the history teacher

"Mitch!" He comes up. I hadn't noticed me face was bloody. He runs out to grab the nurse. Soon I'm picked up, first bell had already rung. "It's ok Mitch, we got you" I get escorted down to the office. My head has blood, my nose is dripping and my face has red fist marks all over it. I'm cleaned up. It's halfway through the period when I'm allowed back out. I walk to choir limping. The teacher not there. I sit in my regular spot next to Scott and Avi. Avi turns to me.

"Dude it's been going through the school! You alright man?" I nod. I just didn't want to talk anymore. Scott looks at me. The school nurse gave me concealer to hide what had happened.

"You don't look too bad." He remarks. I stay silent. The end of the day comes and I walk home not talking to anyone. I set my stuff down, mom had only been gone for 3 days. I sit on the couch and see a text from Scott.

Scott- they didn't hurt you up too bad

I didn't respond, I didn't want too. I walk into the bathroom and wash the stupid concealer off my face.


Dark blue and purple. All over my cheeks and my chin and my forehead. I go in to grab an ice pack and lay down. I here the doorbell after 20 minutes I walk up and through the peep hole I see Scott.

"I don't wanna talk right now Scott" my lip ached.

"Come on let me in" I opened the door. His mouth dropped wide. I looked at him and stood aside to let him in. He comes in and stares at me.

"Oh my god. How-"

"Concealer" I say. He looks down.

"I'm so sorry Mitch." he says. He gives me a hug. I instantly feel better. "Why did they do this to you???"

"The main reasons everyone beats me up" he gives me a puzzled look, I sigh. "Number 1 I'm a nerd, number 2 my high voice and number 3-" I stop, no one at this school knew I was gay. I didn't want to tell Scott or anyone for that matter.

"Number 3?" He says I snap back to focus

"Oh it's nothing" he gives my a puzzled expression

"Come on Mitch I know there's something..."

"Nope nothing." He gives up and sits with me. We talk and watch tv and he leaves. I sit for the rest of the night. The door rings at 8 I get up, "probably Scott" I think. I look through the peep hole.


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