2047: The Truth

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A/n: No comment. Just see for yourselves.

7 years. It had, at this point, been 7 years to the date of Peepers' death.

Every anniversary of said Commander's demise, the army gathered in groups of fifty or so by his memorial to remember. It was slow going, but efficient.

The particular group currently stood in respectful silence contained Nerve, Eyela, Cornea, Iris, Retina, Andy and Jim. Wander, Sylvia, Sylvester and Elise had been in the previous group.

Some case or a security issue must have been weighing heavily on Andy's mind, because right after they left the memorial floor, he yelled, "I've got it!"
Everyone jumped, watching him as he sped towards the security office.

Eyela and Nerve had glanced at each other in puzzlement. The entire group ran after him, curious as to what had caused such a speedy getaway.

When they arrived at the office, it became apparent that not everyone could fit in the room. So after several glares from Nerve and Eyela, all of the Watchdogs who weren't in the Eyesore family left, looking rather anxious.

"What is this about Andy?" Asked the apprehensive Nerve.
"I know what happened... that day."
"Andy, we all know what happened."
"No. What really happened. The full story..."

They all gathered round as Andy began to recount that dreaded days events...


It had been several months since the mole incident. Commander Peepers made his way to the interrogation room, about to start talking to Steven.

"Good work Steven. We've had everyone fooled. They have no idea what's really been going on behind the scenes."
"You think they'll fall for it?"
"Positive. They'll think I'm dead. I need to disappear for a while. Until the right time comes. Don't forget that the Doctors are in on this. They'll fabricate a post mortem. The only thing the 'assassins' shoot down will be a dummy. After the initial shot, I'll take its place for authenticity. Then when the medical workers cart me off, I'll make my getaway."
"Questions though Sir. One, who else knows? And two, why are you doing this?"
"Nerve knows. And I'm doing this because of someone from my past. Someone out for vengeance. I'm leaving everyone so they can all be safe. And I'm not referring to Cornea. Someone far more dangerous."
"Someone called... Hemlock."


They all stared at Andy in shock.
Nerve started clapping. "Thank grop. I thought I'd have to keep this up forever."
The expression that Eyela held was something no one could recognise. Shock? Relief? Anger? Happiness? "You mean to tell me..." Apparently it had been anger. She began to advance on Nerve. "that my husband has been alive all this time, and no one told me?!"

Nerve, as the only one who knew, took up the dreaded task of explanation. "Yes. I'm sorry Eyela. But the Commander was trying to protect you. All of you..." he motioned toward everyone in the room. "If Hemlock thought that Peepers was dead, they wouldn't be out for revenge. And you'd be safe. You didn't know so everyone could make it look real. So Hemlock would believe it. So they wouldn't go after his family, crew and friends."
"I'd like to add something..." Cornea said sheepishly. Everyone, even Nerve, turned in shock. "My change in allegiance was part of the plan too. I knew about all this."
Nerve was about to say something, but Cornea interrupted. "You didn't find it odd that I said that his 'assassination' was my idea? Even as a," he made quotation marks with his fingers, "'villain' I always kept my word. I would have thought that you would realise sooner, being the main confidante and all."
"I don't believe I didn't realise."
"Dad didn't tell anyone my betrayal was part of the plan for obvious reasons. The rest of the plan would have fallen apart."
"I have several questions. First off, did the Council know? Second, where is Dad now? And three, who the Grop is Hemlock?!" Asked Retina. They just barely heard Eyela whisper, "Language."

It was Nerve who answered. "No. The Council knew nothing. And we don't know where he went, or who Hemlock is. He never told us."
They all looked downcast. Iris broke the silence. "Hang on. Dad left me something strange in his 'will'. It was a storage disk."
Retina spoke. "I remember that. Didn't it have a password that you couldn't crack?"
"I believe I can now."


Iris made a dash for the computer. Thankfully, she still had the storage disk inserted. The password tab opened up. The hint read: 'An old enemy.'

Iris voiced what was on everyone's mind. "Hemlock. The password is Hemlock." She typed in the word. A whoop was given by all when the password gave access.

A minefield of files emerged. They all groaned. Andy voiced his opinion. "Typical Peepers. Some are bound to be empty."
"How do you know?" Asked Eyela.
"I knew... I mean... know him better than you think. He wouldn't make it easy. Maybe if this Hemlock found out about this disk, they would find out about what really happened, and they'd go after Peepers while we'd be left in the dark."
"I see." Said Iris, still at the computer. "I'll crack it. Just get me three gallons of coffee."
Her mother stepped in. "Oh no you don't, Iris. I know you want to find your father but for the love of Grop, don't pull an all nighter. It's just what he would do. It'll still be here when we get back."

Iris caved in eventually, taking the storage disk with her for safekeeping.

Eyela couldn't believe it. After all this time...

Commander Peepers was alive and well...

A/n: What a whirlwind to write! I've had the idea that he was still alive for a while. I just didn't know how to put it in writing! And how to make it work. But it came to me eventually, and I'm happy it did, cause now this sequel can actually have a plot.

Usual rules apply. I don't own the show or the canon characters.

Hope you enjoyed it!

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