2050: The Boyfriend

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A/n: Sorry I missed update day. Hadn't entirely finished this chapter.


Iris had come home late that night. She had her father to answer to.

"And just where have you been young lady?" Peepers had asked.
"Dad, I'm 32 years old. I can go where I want."

Peepers sighed. Of course she chooses to be difficult at this age. "Not with Hemlock around. She's an opportunist. She'll take the next opening, and use it to turn the tables in her favour."
"Dad. Calm down. I didn't exit the ship. I've been on board all this time."
Peepers gave another sigh, in relief this time. "Thank grop."

Iris hesitated, wondering whether or not to tell him. She decided to tell him the truth. "Well, I met someone."
She hesitated further. "Andy..."


"She's what?!!" Came the voice of his extremely angry wife. Peepers knew she was a force to be reckoned with when she was mad. He tried to calm her down.
"Eyela, calm down!"
"Peepers! Our daughter has a boyfriend! I'm pretty sure calming down isn't necessary."
"I know. I had the same reaction. But we need to let her spread her wings."

Eyela merely gave him a hard, cold stare. Peepers backed away slightly, before saying, "Eyela, I'm not happy with this either, but she's old enough to make her own decisions." He sighed. "You know, this situation feels very familiar..."

Eyela smiled, knowing what he meant. Her parents hadn't exactly approved of her relationship with Peepers initially, then they got to know him and actually liked him. They wouldn't admit it, but Eyela could tell. If her parents accepted their relationship, why shouldn't they accept Eyela's relationship, especially as he was someone they already liked.

"You're right. I'm not happy about it, but it's time she left the nest."
"Yeah. It is time. I trust Andy to take care of her."
"Me too honey. Me too..."


"You're going out with Andy?" Cornea mirrored his sisters words.
"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Retina asked.
"It's okay bros. Mum and Dad say it's okay."
"Yeah, they may say it's okay. But they're still going to be protective of you. You know that right?" 
"Of course I know, lil bro."

Cornea told his sister something important. "I know Dad probably already told you, but be careful. Hemlock has spies everywhere, and she'd know about this almost immediately. We don't want you getting hurt..."


Meanwhile, on the rebel Aconite ship, Hemlock overheard the whole thing via a spy cam...
"So. Peepers' daughter is interested in someone. Who just happens to be their Head of Security. Well. I'll just have to play matchmaker..."

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