2051: The Cure

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Nerve was conversing with the head doctor.

"How bad are they?"
"It's hard to tell Sir. All we know is that it's the same thing that Dominator and Hater had."
"That's bad."
"I know. We've made them as comfortable as possible."
"Let me know if there's any change. I need to check how the kids are doing."

Just then, a female voice drifted towards the two conversing Watchdogs. Iris. "We're not kids anymore! We're just 3 Watchdogs very worried about their parents."

Nerve chuckled in embarrassment before turning back to the doctor. "I'll check if there's anything on it." As he exited the medbay, he thought to himself, 'Don't die on us, we need you.'


Some time later, the conversation was being continued. "Upon closer analysis, we discovered that the illness is not natural. Those sores on their bodies are caused by nanobots." Nerve sat up at this revelation. "Then that means..."
The doctor nodded. "Yes. We suspect Hemlock has something to do with this. She's the only person with a vendetta against us at this point in time. We'll work around the clock Sir. Commander Peepers and Eyela will be back on their feet before you know it."
"That's all I ask. Thank you."
The head doctor smiled, saying, "You're welcome. And, Sir?"
"Call me Stigma."
"Nice to meet you."

Stigma saluted before continuing his work.

Nerve gave a sigh before carrying on with his duties. This was going to be a long day.


The Lieutenant was working on the reports that were usually reserved for Peepers when he had received the best news the army had had in a while.

A knock on the door came right in the middle of his tedious task and, grateful for the distraction, he acknowledged it with an: "Enter."

In came Andy, who seemed to be in high spirits. Nerve gave him a questioning look before the head of security admitted the truth behind his smile.

"Great news from the infirmary Sir! Commander Peepers and Eyela have woken up!"
Nerve barely held in a gasp. "That's the best news I've heard all day. Any news on recovery?"
"Only that they're still working on a cure. Not that they'll need it. The Commander is getting stronger even without the help of the doctors."
"And Eyela?" Asked the Lieutenant.
"She's improving too Sir."
"Good. At least we now know that it hasn't affected them too badly."
"I do have a question though Sir." Andy piped up, interrupting his train of thought.
"Go ahead." Nerve gave his permission.
"Why did it kill Hater and Dominator, but the Commander and Eyela are still alive? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad it didn't get that bad, but..."
"I certainly see your point Andy." Nerve sighed. "Actually there is a reason. We have reason to believe that the illness is controlled by nanobots designed by Hemlock and her forces."
"But then why wouldn't the Commander be the one to die to this? Hemlock had no quarrel with Lord Hater or Dominator."
"Maybe, but it was probably still in the testing stages back then. She was most likely seeing what it's limits were."
"That sounds reasonable." Andy looked thoughtful. "Actually, now that you mention it, robotic parts were found during the post mortem, but no one thought anything of it."
"That's interesting. Well, I'll visit the infirmary once I've finished this."
"Okay. Good luck with that!" Andy quipped as he made his exit, gaining an affectionate eye roll from Nerve.


"So Sir, how are you feeling?"
"A little tired. And slightly better than when this thing struck, but I'm fine." As an afterthought, the bed bound officer added, "When can I get out of here?"
Eyela gave a teasing tut from beside her husband, "Not anytime soon. We both need to rest. You know that."
"You're correct that I am well aware of that, but..."
"Sir. No buts."
Peepers groaned. "Fine. Just let me know if you need help with something."
Nerve chuckled. "Sir, I was running this army for 9 years while you were gone. Pretty sure I can handle a smaller space of time."
Eyela playfully rolled her eyes at the two bantering before yawning and falling asleep again. Stigma approached, telling Nerve that there had been enough excitement for the day, which was a statement that Peepers objected heavily to as the Lieutenant was forced out.

Nerve merely shrugged and went on his way. Entering the Commander's office once more, he pulled up the chair to the desk, sitting down to FINALLY finish those reports.

One report he read stated the conditions of Vein, another the outcomes of both Rosemary and Hemlock's regimes. Yet another still detailed the results of a recent experiment. He read it through thoroughly, as such subjects were of great interest to him. He sighed. He'd been around the Commander too much. The results of the experiment, written in bold black ink across the page, suggested the answer to their problem.

Highly advanced robots could be destroyed if exposed to extreme high pitched sounds. Everything clicked into place. If high pitch noises could destroy robots, then why couldn't they do that with the disease causing nanobots.

Yelling "Eureka!" and jumping out the chair in triumph, the officer sped toward the lab, eager to test his theory.


Three days later, and life had returned to normal. The cure had been found, and Peepers and Eyela were back on their feet. Though both were glad to have the chance to see the next dawn, Nerve feared he wouldn't be so lucky. Following his discovery, he had neglected the paperwork, files and reports. Beads of sweat ran down his eye as Commander Peepers opened the door to his office, only to find the mountain of paperwork that awaited him.

Saying that he was unimpressed was a huge understatement...

A/n: I know I'm late. Don't look at me like that. I've been abroad and resting from said trip abroad.

Thought I should let you know that the chapters are getting longer and more 'complex', so they take longer to write than they usually do. Therefore, chapters will now be two weeks apart. Anywho...

Canon characters do NOT belong to me.

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