Some people don't understand :P

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If you haven't seen the tweet from Adam aka SkyDoesMinecraft, here's the text:

Surgery, because if left untreated I could kick the bucket. It's gotten to the point I can fell my heart pound and blood shoot to my fingers

I was born with a heart defect that causes cardiomegaly. I've been putting it off for almost a year now but I finally should go in for it.

People don't know how hard his life has been. Throughout the years his mother was addicted to pain killers and kept overdosing so Adam had to keep calling the ambulance (It was when he was 15 or 16). His father had been at work so he was never really home. Adam's sister was put into a mental hospital because of how she acted and well Adam's parents couldn't pay for the mental hospital so his sister came home and would be throwing things. And doesn't anyone remember that video he posted where he talked about him weighing 304 Ibs at like 17 or 18. Adam could have died if he didn't exercise. Thankfully he lost like 90 Ibs and still alive today. But if he died no one would know about him except his runescape friends which were AntVenom, CavemanFilms, Deadlox, etc. since they were his online friends. Just a reminder I know about this kind of stuff because I watched his livestream last night.

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