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So, here's the next chapter. (: Vote/Comment/Fan whatever. :D Norman can't go to comicon. *sigh* I will meet him one day though!

“Emilia, I wanted to explain to you about last night, why it took so long to come out to you.” Rick said.

“You already tried, and does that have to be here?” I grumbled gesturing towards Shane.

“Ye-“ Shane began but Rick interrupted him.

“Shane, please could you leave?” Rick said, looking at the ground one hand holding his belt. Shane glanced at me with narrowed eyes before storming out. “I wanted to explain that we had to check the kids were okay, they came running in here screaming and we needed to check ‘em for bites.”

“And it had to be you?”



“Because Carl’s my son.”

“Lori’s his mother.” I said. If he said anymore he’d piss me off, I may not be related to him, he doesn’t have to care about me in any way, but I’d at least like some respect.

As I slowly start to head towards the door Rick speaks again. “I know, but I feel like my role as leader of this group has gotten in the way of caring for my son. You’re still pissed?”

“Yes.” I don’t see the need for this conversation to go on.

“Tell me why.”

“I’m eighteen, Rick, an adult. Yet you treat me as though I’m not older than Sophia or Carl, as though I’m delicate, like I’m glass. You just annoy me.”

“Why? Do you disagree with me being leader of this group, with the decisions I make for the good of camp?”

“Do you want the truth?”


“Well, Rick, I like you being leader, it takes a whole lot of pressure off of me, and I have never not liked a decision you have made. You’ve done right by me for every decision you’ve made, I’d just like to ask you one thing though, how many times have I helped this group? Just since you’ve been here.”

“A lot.”

“Exactly, so, I risked my life to save those kids yesterday, and all I needed was for you and Daryl to come outside a little sooner. I could really have used your help, but instead you helped the kids. They were safe, and there are however many other people in this camp that could have checked them over. I’m sick to death of this hierarchy of people in this camp, it’s you and Shane at the top with Lori and Carl, then everyone else is beneath you. Sometimes it even feels like there’s a lower level, the bottom of the heap, and I’m there. In the shit because I’m ‘dispensable’” I ranted. I don’t know where all of this was coming from, but it is how I felt, it was all true.

Rick looked at me for a while, looking from the floor back to me. “I’m sorry you feel that way.”

“No, Rick. No you’re not.” I say before leaving the room. I could hear him calling for me to wait, but I’ve said all I had to say and I’m certain there’s nothing that he can say to change my mind.

“Emilia, are you okay?” Lori said from the kitchen, turning towards me as she peeled potatoes into the sink.

“Fabulous.” I grumbled as I made my way to the pickup in the garden. Once there I shoved my bat in my belt and took the motorcycle off of the back and got on it, the keys had been in the glove compartment of the pickup, but I had them right now, I’d kept them in my pocket since we got here, just in case I needed them. Daryl would be pissed at me if he knew, but I didn’t care. Riding out of the gates, which were already open for people to carry dead walkers out and burn them, I turned left and headed towards town.

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