Forges of Life Pt.2

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Not to be rude, but I was surprised that Grover shadow traveled I mean, he absolutely despises  doing it. It took us about 3 ½ hours to get there it would have been shorter if Grover wasn't hungry and Blackjack suggested, well, donuts. At last, we finally we arrived.

" Brother!" I heard a scream then I saw Tyson.

" Hi, Tyson how are you?" It was strange that I haven't seen him in almost a year, yet we still feel like the best of friends.

" I'm great!"

" Hello Percy, how are you?" I heard a woman's voice behind me, I turned around and I saw Reyna daughter of Bellona.

" Oh, hi Reyna, I'm good." Man, Reyna grew a couple more inches and she was even more mature. Now she reminded me of Athena.

" Great."

" Oh, Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and Nico!" I heard Rachel chime in " I thought you guys were coming next month?"

"No, we all came today." Annabeth just barged in. I know she didn't really mean to do that, being very, very, protective of me, and Rachel and I used to date, so I'm not surprised.

" Well I'm glad you're here, I have a prophecy I think might be about Percy and some of his friends."

" Tyson, Tyson!" Ella screeched

" Hi Ella."

" Percy and friends yay! Rachel did you tell them?"

" No but I will." As everyone got prepared for the new prophecy, Rachel took a deep breath and recited,

Six Half- Bloods of the greatest fees,

four will become one with the sea,

the others will rome into the volcano's dome,

they will find the god's code

and unleash the fate of either Greek or Rome.

" Hi, Rachel!" , said a random boy not that tall, but about the same height Nico was when he first arrived at camp, with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. He looked like he had just downed two bags of sugar, then ran here at top speeds.

"Oh, hi Patrick." Said Rachel in an exasperated voice

An exhausted girl ran up, proving my sugar theory about Patrick,

"Come on Patrick, lets go play with the unicorns before Reyna- oh hi Reyna."

This girl was about 5 feet and had short, bushy, dark hair that, from certain angles, would partially cover her face. She also had dark brown eyes and lightly tan skin. In her arm I could partially make out a book with the title of Ready Player O-.

" Hello Bella, can you go take Patrick to get some calming herbs to, uh, help him." Said, Reyna in slightly annoyed voice.

Patrick and Bella ran off, and while Patrick was spewing all sorts off random nonsense, Annabeth whispered a thought I to my ear, prompting me to turn to Reyna and ask,

" What God and or Goddess are they from?"

" We don't know, they have been here for two years. Patrick is 13 and Bella is 12, very confusing, huh? Anyway, I have to get ready for the war games, bye." Reyna said gleefully as she walked away.

" Hey Annabeth I'm going to get rested up for tomorrow." I said as I started to exit.

" Wait you can't go, we were going to do war games tonight." She looked sad, like she had been waiting to humiliate me in front of everyone but now couldn't.

" Okay fine."

An hour later, all of New Rome had gathered in the pavilion to watch the games. It was crowded from top to bottom, and Reyna was standing center stage with a megaphone not unlike Coach Hedge's.

" Welcome everyone!" Reyna yelled to the crowd, which was screaming like crazy.

"Are you guys ready to fight?!"

Which of course everyone yelled" YESSSSSS! "

" Now who wants to be first?!" The crowd then stopped cheering.

" Me!" I screamed, still pumped up from the opening speech.

" Great, Percy Jackson will be our first contestant! " said Reyna in a game show host voice, I did not like where this was going. But, everyones cheering, well, cheered me up  and I rose to make my way to the stage. When I got to the center, Annabeth looked at me like try not to get hurt.

" Percy what is your regular weapon?"

I took out Riptide and she made me hand it over.

" Now Percy, pick a new weapon from over there."

See,I didn't know about the new weapon rule but I was fine with it, I picked a celestial bronze sword a little smaller than riptide.

" Your opponent is the son of Mars, Steven Marquee."

That's when my heart sank it was a child of Mars, and I was severely dehydrated for the flight here, I wouldn't be able to fight him. He was big, at least 6'10, with dark blue eyes and black hair. After he picked his weapon, we were ready to fight.

" Time to fight! Ready, set, go!"

The crowd cheered. Annabeth was shouting my name and I felt better, but not by much. He threw his dagger and it pinned me down, and that's when I felt a punch hit my face and the world faded fast into darkness.

A/n The next few chapters will actually dive into the plot and create a better line up, so as always

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